
  • 网络Heroic;heroic deeds;saga
  1. 这一仗,可歌可泣的英雄事迹多得很啦!

    There have been a lot of heroic and moving deeds performed in this fighting , both happy and tragic .

  2. 当地群众中传颂着他的英雄事迹。

    His heroic deeds are continually on the lips of the local inhabitants .

  3. 他的英雄事迹对我们将永远是一个鼓舞。

    His heroic deeds will always be an inspiration to us .

  4. 黄继光的英雄事迹让我们感动得流下了眼泪。

    The heroic deeds of Huang Jiguang moved us to tears .

  5. 许多人都已经听说了这个人的英雄事迹。

    Many people have heard of the man 's heroic deeds .

  6. 他开始讲述战士们的英雄事迹。

    He began to tell of the fighters ' heroic exploits .

  7. 但是他的英雄事迹则被灭提广泛报道。

    But his heroic act was published widely in the media .

  8. 为了纪念他们的英雄事迹,建立了一座纪念碑。

    A monument was built in honour of their heroic deeds .

  9. 周江疆英雄事迹在互联网微博上引发了广泛的讨论。

    Zhou 's heroic deed triggered widespread discussion on Internet micro-blogs .

  10. 他们的英雄事迹将永垂不朽。

    They will go down in history for their bravery deeds .

  11. 他以战争中的英雄事迹而闻名。

    He was famed for heroic deeds during the war .

  12. 这个英雄事迹对这个小男孩的影响很大。

    The heroic deed has a great influence on the little boy .

  13. 这场战争中那么多真正的英雄事迹未得到颂扬。

    So much of the real herosim of this war went unsung .

  14. 白求恩的英雄事迹使我们大家深受鼓舞。

    We are all inspired by the heroic deeds of Dr. Bethune .

  15. 我们深深为他的英雄事迹所感动。

    We were greatly impressed by his heroic deeds .

  16. 叙述英雄事迹和历险的电影、故事等

    Long film , story , etc dealing with heroic deeds and exciting adventures

  17. 这部小说里有许多可歌可泣的英雄事迹。

    The novel contains many moving and heroic deeds .

  18. 孩子们被英雄事迹感动,情不自禁地哭了起来。

    Moved by the heroic deeds , the children couldn 't help crying .

  19. 他的英雄事迹体现了军队的光荣传统。

    The heroic deeds of him embodied the glorious tradition of the troops .

  20. 他热情洋溢地描述她的英雄事迹。

    He pictured her heroism in glowing language .

  21. 我们都知道他的英雄事迹。

    We all know about his heroic deed .

  22. 他的英雄事迹使我们都感动了。

    His heroic deeds moved us all .

  23. 他们的英雄事迹,受万众景仰,被千古流传。

    Their heroic deeds , admired by the Poples , are spread through the ages .

  24. 他的英雄事迹将万古长存。

    His heroic deeds will be everlasting .

  25. 岳飞做为宋代名将,他的英雄事迹名垂千古。

    As a famous song dynasty general , the heroic deeds of Yuefei are immortalized .

  26. 报纸称颂了他们的英雄事迹。

    The newspapers glorified their heroic deeds .

  27. 救生员做出很多英雄事迹。

    Life-saver form many deeds of bravery .

  28. 我们会表彰你们的英雄事迹。

    We will honor your heroism .

  29. 峥嵘岁月已远去,但革命先烈的英雄事迹却长存我们心底。

    Hard time has gone , but the heroic deeds of revolutionary martyrs but our hearts forever .

  30. 他们将飞向太空,让全球的人类目睹你们的英雄事迹。

    They will be flying in space , so that the world witnessed your human heroic deeds .