
lüè duó zhě
  • predator;marauder;plunderer;flayer
  1. 维金以及掠夺者是我最喜欢的人族单位。

    This and the Marauder are my new favorite Terran units .

  2. 我会谈下掠夺者的结构。

    I 'll go into some of the Marauder mechanics .

  3. 黑暗圣堂无情的把掠夺者切成几块

    Dark also end up eviscerating Marauders in a ruthless fashion .

  4. 浪费者和掠夺者们在慢慢地糟蹋着我们的土地

    Slowly the wasters and despoilers are impoverishing our land .

  5. 半人马掠夺者在支援射击时不受惩罚

    Centaurs – marauders does not have penalty when shooting into support .

  6. Glass医生想进到掠夺者脑子里寻寻宝

    Dr. Glass wants to go in for a treasure hunt inside the skitter 's skull .

  7. 还记得Pope和他的手下杀死的那个掠夺者吧

    You remember that skitter that Pope and his boys killed .

  8. 对同一时间Mike把枪塞进掠夺者的嘴里

    Yeah , it 's the same time Mike was sticking a gun in the skitter 's mouth .

  9. 他后来又创办了一家软件公司Crisp,旨在保护孩子们免受网络掠夺者的伤害。

    He then moved on to developing Crisp , which is a software company that helps protects kids from online predators .

  10. 游客可以看到许多种飞机,从老式客机到新的无人驾驶飞机,例如掠夺者无人机(PredatorDrone)。

    Visitors can find everything from old passenger planes to new unmanned aircraft , like the Predator drone .

  11. 她在2003年加入这家位于圣莫尼卡的工作室之前曾经在水晶动力公司(CrystalDynamics)参与过《灵魂掠夺者》(SoulReaver)和《凯恩的遗产》(LegacyofKain)等游戏的开发工作。

    Before joining the Santa Monica-based studio in 2003 , she worked at Crystal Dynamics on the Soul Reaver and Legacy of Kain titles .

  12. 掠夺者坦克:猛犸坦克的轻型版,是GDI的主战坦克。

    Predator Tank : This is a light version of the Mammoth tank , and is the main battle tank for the GDI .

  13. 伦敦警察厅也开始使用Flickr,发布在西诺伍德(WestNorwood)和克罗伊登(Croydon)等地的嫌疑骚乱者和掠夺者的照片。

    And the Metropolitan police have used Flickr to post photos of suspected rioters and looters in places like West Norwood and Croydon .

  14. 黑暗圣堂无情的把掠夺者切成几块。

    Dark Templars also end up eviscerating Marauders in a ruthless fashion .

  15. 这些黄鼠狼,别告诉我掠夺者地图的事。

    Those weasels ! Never told me about any marauder 's map .

  16. 警察并不需要通知社区会有掠夺者。

    Police aren 't required to notify a community about a predator .

  17. 这个掠夺者在街上就想骚扰我。

    That predator tried to harass me on the street .

  18. 我们真是能源掠夺者,大能源掠夺者。

    We are really energy spoilers , big energy spoilers .

  19. 给它看些图片希望它用掠夺者语言读出来?

    Show it pictures , hope it says the word in skitterese ?

  20. 要不然我们抓住的掠夺者就会通知他的朋友

    Otherwise , our skitter would have signaled his friends ,

  21. 他们歪曲事实,把警察描绘成专横的掠夺者。

    They distort the facts to present the police as dictatorial predators .

  22. 然而,无人机的科技已经超越了“掠夺者”。

    The technology of UAVs has already moved beyond the predator , however .

  23. 你不会是说掠夺者脑子里面有都有个无线电吧?

    You 're not saying that the skitters have radios in their heads ?

  24. 她认为掠夺者的反应可能引起了静电干扰

    She thinks the static may be caused by the skitter 's reaction .

  25. 这些营地掠夺者已经惯于将野营者作为一种食物来源。

    These camp robbers hae become habituated to campers as a food source .

  26. 梅瑟利先生不过是个土地掠夺者而已。

    Mr. Messerly is nothing but a land grabber .

  27. 证明掠夺者和静电干扰之间没有联系

    That the skitter and the static are unrelated .

  28. 这个掠夺者呼吸心跳看上去算平稳

    Our skitter 's breathing and heart seem fine .

  29. 恐怕我们要对付的不仅仅是夜里的掠夺者。

    I fear we may have more than nocturnal predators to contend with .

  30. 而对罗马尼亚人而言,俄国人则是掠夺者。

    To romanians , Russia is a predator .