
lüè shí
  • Prey;grazing eclipse
掠食[lüè shí]
  1. 人们认为,它们是在利用它们的掠食者逃往更安静的地区。

    It is thought that they are capitalising on their predators fleeing to quieter areas .

  2. 如果一个掠食动物以好几个物种为食,那这些物种中其中一个就算灭绝了,它也能存活下来。

    If a predator can eat several species , it can survive the extinction of one of them .

  3. 但根据这项研究,对掠食者与生俱来的恐惧似乎让红松鼠在其竞争对手灰松鼠的面前占有优势。

    But an innate3 fear of their predators seems , according to this research , to give the reds an edge over their grey competitors .

  4. 汉莎航空和法国航空公司(airfrance)领导了欧洲航空业的整合进程,并且仍然是最有可能的“掠食者”。

    Lufthansa and Air France have already led the consolidation process in Europe and remain the most likely predators .

  5. 野猪(Susscrofa)经常被发现在沼泽边掠食,它们本身是亚洲丛林的兽肉来源。

    The the wild boar ( Sus scrofa ) is often found marauding in the swamp margin and it is a source of bushmeat in Asia .

  6. 你可以让它们过着掠食生活以达到最好的结果。

    You will achieve the best results with live prey items .

  7. 这些卵会被掠食动物吃光或染�

    they would be eaten by predators , or become diseased .

  8. 哈波斯警官,那掠食者刚威胁你吗?

    Officer Hopps , were you just threatened by that predator ?

  9. 能观察到世上最具领袖魅力的掠食动物

    to observe some of the world 's most charismatic predators .

  10. 靠掠食其他动物生活特别是靠捕食活猎物。

    Living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey .

  11. 没有什么能让迁徙的母亲们直面强大的掠食动物。

    Nothing else could make migrating mothers stand up to great predators .

  12. 掠食者不应该因为我的错而被折磨。

    But predators shouldn 't suffer because of my mistakes .

  13. 温暖,平静,很少有掠食者。

    They 're warm , calm , and contain very few predators .

  14. 潜伏在广袤森林的最深处或影界通道的最暗角落的掠食者。

    Predators that stalk the deepest woods and the darkest urban alleyways .

  15. 捕捉南极洲两种顶尖掠食动物的画面

    to film Antarctica 's two top predators in action .

  16. 成年工蜂用咀嚼过的掠食喂养幼虫。

    Adult worker hornets feed the masticated prey flesh to the larvae .

  17. 你是个骗子还是个掠食者!

    You 're a liar and you 're a predator !

  18. 毕竟掠食者的天性都是野蛮的。

    Since predators are just biologically predisposed to be savages .

  19. 或者是任何掠食者对你而言看起来都像狂化了?

    Or maybe any agressive predator looks savage to rabbits ?

  20. 甲骨文公司和云计算公司Salesforce.com近来也成为了这片领域的掠食者。

    Oracle and Salesforce.com have also been recent buyers in the field .

  21. 猎物害怕掠食者,然后你掌有大权?

    Prey fears predator , and you stay in power ?

  22. 这只狐狸的失败象征掠食动物面临的困境

    The fox 's failure epitomises a predator 's plight .

  23. 但是以欺骗掠食动物,以为这或许只是一种发射酸液的甲虫

    fool predators into thinking it just might be an acid-firing beetle .

  24. 黑土地上的掠食者日本移民东北揭秘

    Predators On The Black Earth & Japanose Immigrants in The Northeast of China

  25. 真不幸我们要看”瑟伦格提掠食者”。

    ROSS : Tough noogies , we 're watching Predators of the Serengetti .

  26. 人类被用于繁殖这类终极掠食者。

    Humans were used to breed the ultimate prey .

  27. 你有没有考虑对掠食者进行强制隔离?

    Have you considered a mandatory quarantine on predators ?

  28. 这里有可怕的大型掠食动物。

    The most fearsome predator here is a giant .

  29. 仍然是陆地上数一数二的掠食动物

    that is still an undisputed top land predator .

  30. 而这让生活变得更糟糕了这么多这么多无辜的掠食者。

    And it made life so much worse for so many innocent predators .