
nì sǐ
  • drown
溺死 [nì sǐ]
  • (1) [drown]

  • (2) 在水或其它液体中窒息

  • 落水而溺死

  • (3) 由于淹没在水或其他液体中而使窒息

  • 溺死了三只小猫

  • 他在河里溺死了

  1. 他说lionel会把我们都溺死在自己的血液里。

    He said Lionel was gonna drown us all in blood .

  2. 李从儿时起的朋友杜鲁门·卡波特(TrumanCapote)后来说,内尔的妈妈曾两次想把她溺死在浴缸里。李愤怒地否定了这一说法。

    Truman Capote , a friend of Lee 's from childhood , later said that Nelle 's mother had tried to drown her in the bathtub on two occasions , an assertion that Lee indignantly denied .

  3. 即将溺死的人连一根草也要去抓。

    A drowning man will clutch at a straw .

  4. 他竭力去救那快要溺死的女孩。vi.消灭,不见

    He made an endeavor to save the drowning girl .

  5. vt.淹没;把…淹死vi.淹死;溺死当那个渔民的船翻后他几乎淹死了。

    drown The fisherman almost got drowned when his boat was overturned .

  6. 目的量化性研究SD大鼠溺死和死后抛入水中尸体内脏组织中叶绿素A(ChlA,Chlorophylla)检出率。

    Objective To study quantitively on detection of chlorophyll A ( ChlA ) in the visceral organs of drowning corpse and corpse abandoned in water .

  7. ⑶溺死者肺组织中SP-A的变化与溺水有关,但其确切关系及应用前景尚待进一步研究。

    The changes in characteristics of SP-A is correlated with the drowning , but the exact relationship and application prospects remain to be further research .

  8. 他冒生命危险救了那个男孩,使他未被溺死。

    He ventured his life to save the boy from drowning .

  9. 40例可疑溺死案件脏器中硅藻检测的法医学分析

    Forensic Analysis on 40 Cases of Suspected Drowning by Organic Diatom

  10. 他跳入河中救一个快溺死的小孩。

    He dived into the river to save a drowning child .

  11. 叶绿素A检验对溺死诊断的实验研究

    Experimental Studying on Detection of Chlorophyll A for Diagnosis of Drowning

  12. 她后来溺死在海德公园的蛇形湖里。

    She later drowned herself in the Serpentine in Hyde Park .

  13. 在熔岩中溺死和喂鲨鱼。

    Drowning in lava , and being eaten by a shark .

  14. n.vt.vi.努力;尽力他尽力去救快要溺死的女孩。

    endeavor He made an endeavor to save the drowning girl .

  15. 产后忧郁症让她想溺死自己的孩子。

    Postpartum psychosis makes her want to drown her kid .

  16. 我不是生来要溺死在大海里的。

    I wasn 't born to drown in this ocean .

  17. 由于溺死的几率很大,这样的事故都十分的危险。

    Such accidents are particularly dangerous due to the risk of drowning .

  18. 他告诉你们阿比盖尔主教溺死的事了吗?

    He tell you the stories about Abigail bishop drowning ?

  19. 溺死诊断中的浮游生物检测法

    Techniques for detection of planktons in medico-legal investigation of deaths by drowning

  20. 要不是他救了我,我可能溺死了。

    Had he not saved me , I might have been drowned .

  21. 大部分乘客都被困在船舱中溺死了。

    Most of the passengers got stuck in the cabins and drowned .

  22. 血清氟含量测定在溺死诊断上的意义

    The significance of detecting serum fluorine level in the diagnosis of drowning

  23. 我可以在他的壕沟里把他溺死,陛下。

    I will drown him in one of his dikes , majesty .

  24. 一个青年救起了快要溺死的小女孩。

    A young man saved a little girl from drowning .

  25. 他拧断了她的脖子,把他们的儿子溺死在浴缸里。

    He snapped her neck and drowned their son in the tub .

  26. 他会把你溺死在自己的血液里。

    He 's going to drown you all in your own blood .

  27. 我们认为你妹妹或许是溺死的。

    We think your sister may have been drowned .

  28. 不过我心里知道,现在我已不至于溺死了。

    But I knew I would not drown now .

  29. 那么它们是怎么睡觉而不会溺死呢?

    So how can they sleep and not drown ?

  30. 她因在浴缸里溺死自己的5个孩子而受审。

    Andrea was on trial for drowning her five children in the bathtub .