
tiān bù pà dì bù pà
  • fear neither Heaven nor Earth;fear nothing and no one
  1. 托什是出了名的天不怕地不怕,但是他明显被他的女朋友驯服帖了。

    Tosh was known to be a man who feared no-one , yet he was clearly emasculated by his girlfriend .

  2. 她真是个天不怕地不怕的女人。

    She is really an aggressive lady .

  3. 企业希望其领袖至少表现出一些天不怕地不怕的乐观主义精神,也就是误入歧途的卡明斯带给hbos的那种精神。

    Companies want their leaders to show at least some of the go-getting optimism the misguided Mr Cummings brought to HBOS .

  4. 身高超过三公尺的歌利亚,是一位天不怕地不怕的勇士。

    Goliath was a fearless warrior over three meters tall .

  5. 我喜欢他那对黑色的,目光炯炯的、天不怕地不怕的眼睛。

    I like his dark , glancing , fearless eyes .

  6. 尽管生性天不怕地不怕,然而一想到这一点,我还是发抖了。

    Courageous as I am by nature , I absolutely trembled at the idea !

  7. 那些都是天不怕地不怕的硬汉子。

    Those are certainly possessed of dauntless courage .

  8. 我天不怕地不怕,我是你老爸,对吧?

    I 'm not scared of anything . I 'm your dad , right ?

  9. 我就这么走进社区,一副天不怕地不怕的愚蠢相。

    Off I went , fearless and stupid .

  10. 我们被他那些天不怕地不怕的绝招迷住了。

    We were fascinated by his daredevil stunts .

  11. 丽迪雅还是丽迪雅——不安分,不害羞,撒野吵嚷,天不怕地不怕的。

    Lydia was Lydia still ; untamed , unabashed , wild , noisy , and fearless .

  12. 为什么自己懵懵懂懂、天不怕地不怕的少年时光在等待中永远消失了?

    Why muddle their own , the most scary time waiting for the boy lost forever ?

  13. 他天不怕地不怕。

    He was afraid of nothing .

  14. 开门的动作就像她本人一样,天不怕地不怕。

    The movement of the door was as if whoever she was , she had nothing in the world to fear .

  15. 他们思想解放,天不怕地不怕,没有什么脚镣手铐的束缚,规划搞得很生动。

    The minds of the comrades there are emancipated , they defy heaven and earth and are not fettered by shackles and manacles , and their plans are dynamic .

  16. 我正处在天不怕地不怕的心境中;事实上,我就像有些犯人在绞架底下所表现得那样不顾一切了。

    I was in the condition of mind to be shocked at nothing : in fact , I was as reckless as some malefactors show themselves at the foot of the gallows .

  17. 他们说,他这个人是天不怕地不怕的,随时都会多绕一百五十哩路给一个可怜虫帮一次忙。

    Ah , he is one who fears neither God nor Satan , they say , and would at any time run fifty leagues out of his course to do a poor devil a service .

  18. 孙悟空天不怕,地不怕!

    Sun wukong , fearing nothing in heaven or on earth .

  19. 他是一条天不怕,地不怕的硬汉字。

    He is a tough guy who fears nothing and no one .

  20. “我是天不怕,地不怕”,乔摇晃着脑袋回应。

    " I 'm not afraid of anything ," returned Jo , with a toss of the head .

  21. 革命号召农民要天不怕,地不怕,神不怕,鬼不怕,起来反抗地主,反抗孔孟之道,反抗统治阶级的吃人伦理。

    The revolution called on the Chinese peasant to do dangerous and blasphemous things , to defy his landlord , to defy a Confucian-made fate , to defy the ethics of his ruler .

  22. 不但是不错,祥子想,而且是有些英雄好汉的气概,天不怕,地不怕,绝对不低着头吃哑吧亏。

    Not only was it the right thing to do , he decided , it was almost heroic to fear neither Heaven nor earth , never to bow one 's head or suffer in silence .