
tiān dǐ
  • nadir
天底 [tiān dǐ]
  • [nadir] 从观测者垂直向下与天球的交点或与天顶相距 180的点

天底[tiān dǐ]
  1. 感觉上我们好像已从天底走到了天顶

    It feel as If we have traveled from nadir to zenith

  2. 我们所爱的一切溺入天底;

    That sinks with all we love below the verge ;

  3. 这天底下哪有大半夜里搬家的呀?

    Who in the world moves in the middle of the night ?

  4. 这种临边探测技术结合了天底和掩星两种技术的优点:提供如天底模式一样高空间分辨率全球覆盖的大气痕量气体分布,且能与掩星模式相媲美的高垂直分辨率的气体廓线。

    This technique , combining the advantages of other techniques , provides vertical profiles of trace gas with high vertical resolution comparable to that of occultation measurements and with significantly better global coverage as nadir observations .