
  • 网络Natural Honey;wild honey
  1. 来自新西兰的天然蜂蜜。

    This all natural honey comes from New Zealand .

  2. 安徽省作为一个农业生产大省,主要龙头产品有蔬菜、茶叶、天然蜂蜜等,每年的产量占全国重要席位。

    Anhui province , As an big province of agricultural production , owns vegetables , tea , natural honey as its main products with a big percent of the output in the whole nation .

  3. 作为起床后第一件事情,每天在早餐前两小时吃伴了两大勺纯天然蜂蜜的一至两根胡萝卜。

    Eat one or two carrot with two tablespoonful of pure honey first thing in the morning , allow two hours interval before you eat .

  4. 它们可以是天然制品(比如蜂蜜),或是化学制品(比如果葡糖浆)。

    They can be natural ( e.g. , honey ) or chemically manufactured ( e.g. , high fructose corn syrup ) .

  5. 柠檬是应对喉咙里的细菌的天然灭菌剂,蜂蜜让你有温暖润滑的感觉。

    While the lemons work as a natural disinfectant on the bacteria in your throat , the honey will provide a warm , soothing sensation .

  6. 蜂巢蜂蜜是未经任何加工中并以其最天然的方式呈现,其天然的蜂蜜味道被完好保存。

    Comb honey is pure and unprocessed in which the flavor and aroma are well preserved compared to that of commercially processed honeys .

  7. 天然胡萝卜蜜营养饮料是采用天然胡萝卜汁和蜂蜜通过生物技术而制成的高级保健营养饮料。

    The nutritious natural carrot boney juice is a kind of super health aare beverage produced by using bio-technique .

  8. 在天然的地域和生长环境里孕育出最纯净天然的卡玛希蜂蜜。

    This remote and native environment produces one of the purest Kamahi Honeys .