
  1. 天和核心舱有120多种食品和饮品。

    There are more than 120 kinds of food and beverages , named Tianhe , or Harmony of Heavens .

  2. 中国空间站建造任务实施阶段成功开启。按计划,中国将于2022年完成空间站在轨建造。天和核心舱发射成功,标志着我国空间站建造进入全面实施阶段,为后续任务展开奠定了坚实基础。

    The successful launch of the core module Tianhe marks that China 's space station construction has entered the full implementation stage , which lays a solid foundation for the follow-up tasks .

  3. 天和核心舱长度16.6米,最大直径4.2米,发射质量22.5吨,是中国研发的最大的飞行器。

    The core module , Tianhe , has a total length of 16.6 meters , a maximum diameter of 4.2 meters and a takeoff mass of 22.5 tonnes , and is the largest spacecraft developed by China .

  4. 包括天和核心舱在轨测试、再生生保系统验证、机械臂测试与操作训练,以及物资与废弃物管理等。

    First , they will operate and manage the complex , including the in-orbit test of the Tianhe module , verification of the recycling and life support system , testing and operation training of the robotic arm , as well as management of materials and waste .

  5. 宁洪(音译)将带来详细报道:周四上午,搭载着中国空间站天和核心舱的长征五号B遥二运载火箭在海南省文昌航天发射场发射升空。

    Ning Hong has more : A Long March 5B rocket from Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Center in Hainan Province on Thursday Morning , carrying the core module of the Tianhe space station .

  6. 他们将在未来三个月里在天和核心舱执行一系列任务。

    They will conduct tasks in the Tianhe core module over the coming three months .

  7. 两艘货运飞船现在同时停靠在天和核心舱,等待神舟13号机组人员的到来。

    Both cargo ships are now docked with Tianhe and awaiting the arrival of the Shenzhou-13 crew members .

  8. 朱光辰表示,“天和核心舱”还配置了再生式生命保障系统,能够实现舱内氧气再生、二氧化碳的处理。

    The designer says the module is also equipped with a regenerative life-support system , which can reproduce oxygen and CO2 .

  9. 天和核心舱是空间站的管理和控制中心,也是昨天发射入轨的部分。

    Tianhe is the management and control center of the space station , and that was the part launched into orbit yesterday .

  10. 在分离前,宇航员聂海胜、刘伯明和汤洪波完成了天和核心舱的任务。

    And taikonauts Nie Haisheng , Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo completed their tasks on the Tianhe core module before the separation .

  11. 完成后,天和核心舱有望在未来几年投入使用,为科学研究和中国长期的太空雄心提供支持。

    When completed , it 's expected to be operational for years to come , supporting science and China 's long-term space ambitions .

  12. 每天锻炼身体在“天和”核心舱的锻炼区,三位航天员可以使用跑步机、健身车以及阻力带等健身设备来消耗热量,并进行力量训练。

    In Tianhe 's exercise area , the three astronauts can use a treadmill , spin bike and resistance bands to burn calories and practice strength training .

  13. 空间站将由三个舱组成:“天和”核心舱,“问天”及“梦天”实验室舱。

    The space station will three modules : the core module Tianhe , as well as the Wentian and Mengtian lab modules .

  14. 专家表示,新发射的“天和”核心舱配备了许多先进设施,宇航员在中国空间站将享有更好的体验。

    Experts say astronauts will enjoy a much better experience in China 's space station , as the newly launched " Tianhe " core module is equipped with many advanced facilities .

  15. 官方表示,天和空间站核心舱已完成一轮测试。

    Officials say a round of testing on the Tianhe space station core module has been completed .

  16. 中国天舟三号货运飞船已成功对接空间站天和核心舱。

    China 's Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft has successfully docked with the space station Tianhe core module .

  17. 满载物资、设备和推进剂的中国天舟二号货运飞船,已与中国空间站天和核心舱成功对接。

    China 's Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft loaded with supplies , equipment and propellant has docked with the Tianhe core module of the country 's space station .