
  • 网络Dawn;Zarya
  1. 从先行号到新曙光号&上海铁路局技术创新的成功探索

    From " Vanguard " to " New Dawn " - Successful Exploration of Technology Innovation for the Shanghai Railway Administration

  2. 前言:目的:评价曙光号注射液在内痔结扎中的作用。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of Shuguang1st Injection in internal hemorrhoidal ligations .

  3. 并行ART算法在曙光一号上的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of a parallel art algorithm on Dawning 1

  4. 本文讨论了针对不同机器结构的并行化设计策略,并分别在Transputer并行机、BJ-1、曙光一号上设计实现了卷积反投影的并行算法。

    In this paper , parallel algorithms for RPT are devised and implemented in Transputer system , BJ 1 parallel computer and DAWNING 1 parallel computer respectively .

  5. 曙光一号自由电子激光器的理论计算

    The theoretical computation for SG - 1 free electron laser amplifier

  6. 曙光Ⅰ号注射液在内痔结扎中的作用

    Effect of Shuguang 1st Injection in Ligation of Internal Hemorrhoid

  7. 曙光一号自由电子激光强流电子束的数值模拟

    Simulations of high-current electron-beam on SG-1 facility

  8. 曙光一号自由电子激光实验

    Free electron laser amplifier experiments on SG-1

  9. 并在曙光一号并行计算机上实现了基于片间并行的多线程化算法,对算法的性能进行了测试分析。

    A multithreads parallel algorithm is implemented on DAWNING 1 and its performance is tested .

  10. 曙光一号并行计算机

    Dawning - 1 parallel computer