
tiān rán sù zhǔ
  • natural host
  1. 作为NPV的天然宿主,家蚕与病毒的相互作用关系一直是众多研究者关心的问题。

    As the natural host of NPV , the interaction of silkworm and virus attracts a lot of attention from all over the world .

  2. 迄今为止,关于AIV对天然宿主鸡致病机制的研究,仍停滞在组织和细胞水平。

    Up to now , the research of the pathogenic mechanism of AIV in its natural host chicken is still limited to tissue and cell levels .

  3. 但是在乌黑色白睑猴,他们是HIV的天然宿主,极少发展为艾滋病,内毒素水平在他们体内根本就没有升高。

    But in sooty mangabeys , which are natural hosts of primate HIV but rarely progress to AIDS , the endotoxin levels didn 't rise at all .

  4. 亚洲猿类特别是恒河猴是SV40的天然宿主。

    The natural hosts for SV40 are species of Asian macaque monkeys , especially the rhesus ( Maccaca mulatta ) .

  5. 从动物中检出率分别为:猪2.56%、鸭21.70%、淡水鱼29.22%、观赏动物32.35%,证明Ps具有较广泛天然宿主。

    Pigs Ps 2.56 % , ducks 21.70 % , fresh-water fishes 29.22 % , various animals in zoo 32.35 % . This study showed that Ps was widely distributed in natural hosts .

  6. 猪是此病的唯一天然宿主。

    Pigs are the only natural hosts of this disease .

  7. 野生水鸟是A型流感病毒的天然宿主。

    Wild waterfowl are considered the natural reservoir of all influenza A viruses .

  8. 非常引人注目的是,1996年发现果蝠(飞狐)是该病毒的天然宿主。

    Remarkably , in1996 fruit bats ( flying foxes ) were found to be the natural host of the virus .

  9. 经确认,狐属狐蝠科的果蝠是这一病毒的天然宿主。

    The natural host of the virus has been identified as being fruit bats of the Pteropodidae Family , Pteropus genus .

  10. 野生动物是多数自然界病原体的天然宿主,野生动物重大疫病和人类公共卫生问题息息相关。

    Wildlife is the natural reservoir for most pathogens , and furthermore some important diseases in wildlife are closely linked to public health .

  11. 犬、猫科动物是本病的天然宿主,野生肉食动物、马属动物、海狸、猩猩、麝鼠、灵长类等偶见感染,还可以感染人类。

    Dogs , cats are natural hosts of this parasite , the animals such as wild carnivores , horses , beavers , apes , muskrats , and other primates are infected incidentally .

  12. 正常情况下,由于长时间的进化,前病毒发生了突变不能合成蛋白,从而其天然宿主不致病。

    Normally , with a long period of evolution for host , PERV proviral DNA in host cell mutated and thus can not synthesize protein , so the pig does not ill with PERV .

  13. 杨树生长周期短,离体操作容易,基因组相对较小,是根癌农杆菌的天然宿主,是研究木本植物分子生物学和林木基因工程的模式植物。

    Poplar has many advantages , such as short growth periods , smaller genome , easier to propagate and operate and the natural host of Agrobacterium tumefaciens , so it is the model plants for the studies of tree molecular biology and forest genetic engineering .

  14. 再加上CAM是天然免疫缺陷宿主,并可耐受一定的温度变化,有利于检测某些对温度敏感的肿瘤细胞的生物学行为。

    The CAM is natural immunocompromised host and can tolerant temperature changes , we can detect biology behavior of tumor cell that sensitive to temperature .

  15. 天然免疫系统是宿主抵抗病原微生物的第一道防线,也是获得性免疫的基础。

    The innate immunity is the first line to defense against invading pathogens and is also essential for the subsequent adaptive immune response .