
bǐ gāo
  • relative altitude
比高[bǐ gāo]
  1. 希腊酸奶比高脂浓奶油所含脂肪要少得多。

    Greek yogurt contains much less fat than double cream

  2. 低信噪比高动态条件下P码直接捕获技术研究

    Research of P-code Direct Acquisition Technology at Low Signal-to-Noise Rate in High Dynamic Condition

  3. C高;性能价格比高。旋转喷射泵是一种结构简单、可靠、压头高的流体输送设备。

    Roto-jet pump is the simplist and most reliable high pressure fluid transporting apparatus .

  4. F组与P组相比,效/价比高。

    F group has higher effect / price ratio than P group .

  5. 这种方式利用DSP芯片的数字信号处理功能,通过编程来实现视频压缩编码算法,具有压缩比高、图像质量好、算法容易升级的优点。

    The mode utilizes the digital signal processing function of DSP chips and software programming to realize video compression algorithms .

  6. 可溶性固形物含量11.5%,总糖含量8.26%,可滴定酸含量0.55%,维生素C含量49.2mg/100g,固酸比高。

    The content of total soluble solids is 11.5 % , total sugar 8.26 % , acidity 0.552 % , Vitamin C 49.2 mg / 100 g.

  7. 由于向量量化(Vectorquantization,简称VQ)的压缩比高、失真小,因此它被认为是很有希望的编码方法。

    Vector Quantization is regarded as a hopeful method because high compression ratio and small distortion .

  8. 经过Matlab仿真软件验证结果表明:本论文提出的压缩方法计算简单、压缩比高。

    The emulation result through Matlab software indicates : the computation is simple and the compression rate is high using our method .

  9. 本文对比研究了三种地震测量事件P波到时自动拾取算法,其中STA/LTA算法拾取信噪比高的微地震事件非常有效,令人印象深刻。

    We contrast research three kinds of earthquake measuring P - arrived automatic loot algorithm , STA / LTA wins high micro seismic signal noise ratio effectively and impressive .

  10. FDI对一般技术行业国内投资产生的挤入效应比高技术行业的国内投资的挤入效应的程度要大得多。

    The crowding out effect of FDI on domestic investment of general technology industry is much greater than that of technology-intensive industry .

  11. 给药3d,中、高剂量组都能极明显的促进脾淋巴细胞增殖转化(P<0.01),但中剂量组的OD值比高剂量组的高,且差异极显著(P<0.01)。

    In three days experiment , the moderate and higher dosage groups could improve the proliferation of spleen lymphocytes with significant differences ( P < 0.01 ) .

  12. 熔点低的原料其异形度对压力的变化比高熔点原料更敏感,软化点高的PCS有利于纺制异形度较大的纤维。

    PCS material of higher softening point was beneficial to spining the fibers with greater profile degree .

  13. 两组T-S比较有显著差异P0.05,T-S值低文化程度比高文化程度少。

    TS groups were significantly different P0.05 , TS value of low educational level is higher than low educational level .

  14. 经综合评定以中营养水平组试验效果最好,其经济效益分别比高、低营养水平组提高30.67%和68.76%,差异显著(P<0.05)。

    Evaluating the situation , group ⅱ has the best economic effect , which is 30.67 % and 68.76 % higher than that in group ⅲ and group ⅰ respectively , the obvious result is found .

  15. 根据美国环境保护署(EPA)的研究显示,居家和办公楼的室内空气比高工业化城市的空气遭受更严重的污染。

    According to the EPA ' study , indoor air quality is more poor than outside air quality in industrial city .

  16. K1处理的碳化合物含量最高,而氮化合物含量最低,SS/TP比高,花芽分化最迟,其他处理的花芽分化期差异不大。

    The carbohydrate content was highest , the protein content lowest and SS / TP ratio high , but flower bud differentiation was latest in K1 treatment when compared with other treatments .

  17. 抗IBD高免卵黄抗体的研制性能价格比高。

    Studies on The Production of Yolk Antibody of Infectious Bursal Disease high performance / cost ratio .

  18. 本文阐述了采用STD工业控制机组成的混凝土自动化搅拌站称量搅拌控制系统,稳定可靠,性能价格比高,符合国情。

    This paper expounds the control system for weighing and mixing in automated concrete mixing sta-tion , in which STD industrial control computer is used .

  19. VC较高的形态及较高的硬度是高钒高速钢具有比高铬铸铁较好的耐磨性的主要原因。

    It is the main reason of higher form and hardness of VC for high vanadium high speed steel with better wear resistance than that of high chromium cast iron .

  20. 结果初发患者与正常对照相比高水平表达VEGF(P<0.01),而愈后明显降低(P<0.01)。

    Results Contrast to normal controls , Cancer patients expressing high level VEGF ( P < 0.01 ) and decrease significantly in patients with good prognosis ( P < 0.01 ) .

  21. MPEG-4压缩算法压缩比高,并且具有良好的网络适应性。本文论述了地应力数据进行数字化处理的技术思路及编程实现。

    The compression rate of MPEG-4 compression algorithm is relatively higher and has strong network compatibility , which produces good effect in the procedure realization process .

  22. 产品质量全面达到IPC有关技术标准,性能价格比高,是优良的进口替代产品。

    The quality of product reaches IPC standards and the products of the company will play as substitution to imported ones for cost and performance factors .

  23. 聚丙烯(PP)是汽车用塑料主要品种之一,具有密度小、性能/价格比高、耐热性优良、耐化学腐蚀及应力开裂等优点。

    PP is one of main automotive materials , and has some advantages of small density , high performance / price ratio , heat resistance , chemical corrosion resistance and stress crack resistance .

  24. VSP资料的直达下行波能量强,信噪比高,为求取吸收参数提供了有利条件。

    Direct downgoing wave in VSP data has strong energy and high signal-noise ratio , which favours the calculation of absorption para - meters .

  25. 尤其是阳极铜中的As、Sb、Bi在电解液中的分配比高,致使电解液中杂质浓度居高不下,电解液净化脱杂质压力大。

    Especially most of As Sb and Bi coming from anode copper are distributed into electrolyte , which leads augment of consistency of impurity and increase burden of purging electrolyte .

  26. 论文针对OFDM技术峰值平均功率比高以及易受频率偏差和时变信道的影响的缺点进行研究,给出有效的解决措施。

    In the dissertation , researching the defects that Peak-to-Average Ratio ( PAR ) is high and influenced greatly by frequency offset and time-varying channel in OFDM system , providing the effective settlement measures .

  27. 结论AGEs比高浓度葡萄糖更具损伤血管细胞的作用,且AGEs与高糖联合作用对细胞的损伤最为明显,这种联合损伤的过程也是通过RAGE介导的。

    Conclusion AGEs and high glucose have significantly pathogenic effects on vessel cells . Furthermore , AGEs and combined of AGRs and high glucose level damaged more evidently vessel cells , which was mediated by RAGE .

  28. 对于高NH值共聚物,升温使低水解度样品比高水解度样品产生更大的黏度损失。

    For the high N__H value copolymers , the viscosity loss of the low hydrolytic degree copolymer is larger than that of high hydrolytic degree copolymer with rise of temperature .

  29. 与地面地震相比,VSP资料信噪比高,分辨率高,波的运动学和动力学特征明显。

    Compared with surface seismic technology , VSP has a higher signal / noise ratio and resolution , and its waves ' motive and dynamic characteristics are more conspicuous .

  30. 结果得出,低碳低合金钢丝比高碳Patenting钢丝具有高的低周疲劳抗力,温形变处理又可提高低周疲劳寿命30%~35%。并对这种钢丝的低周疲劳损伤进行了评价。

    The results show that the low cycle fatigue properties of the wire is higher than that of high carbon Patenting steel wire .