
  • 网络villa;David Villa;Liberia;David Villa Sanchez
  1. 巴伦西亚前锋大卫·比利亚暗示有加盟利物浦的希望。

    Valencia striker David Villa has hinted at hopes of joining Liverpool .

  2. 比利亚有很多好朋友在安菲尔德效力,他也准备转会到英格兰。

    Villa has good friends playing at Anfield and is ready to move to England .

  3. 她在柏林主持比利亚会议时发表了上述言论。

    She made the remarks when hosting the Libya Conference in Berlin .

  4. 比利亚、伊瓜因和维特克并列射手榜首位。

    David Villa joined Higuain and Robert Vittek to lead the top-scorer list .

  5. 米迦勒,伊施巴,约哈都是比利亚的儿子。

    And Michael , and Ispah , and Joha , the sons of Beriah ;

  6. 比利亚的儿子是希别,玛结。玛结是比撒威的父亲。

    And the sons of beriah : heber and malchiel , who was the father of birzaith .

  7. 瓦伦西亚主席胡安·索勒已经向切尔西兜售大卫·比利亚。

    CHELSEA have been invited to make a bid for David Villa by Valencia president Juan Soler .

  8. 温格想以阿森纳流畅的进攻来攻击比利亚雷尔。

    The Arsenal manager wants to attack Villareal , playing to Arsenal 's strengths of free-flowing attacking football .

  9. 西班牙方面报道表示,尤文图斯准备和切尔西竞争,签下瓦伦西亚球星大卫比利亚。

    Reports from Spain suggest that Juventus are set to fight Chelsea for the signature of Valencia star David villa .

  10. 比利亚雷尔说,他们在一个很少能看到犯罪的地方非常喜欢与当地人交往。

    Villareal says they also enjoy interacting with local people in a place where they have noticed very little crime .

  11. 在将比利亚卖给巴塞罗那之后,巴伦西亚希望在夏天转会期结束之前清理更多的坏账。

    Having already sold David Villa to Barcelona , the side wish to clear some more bad credit before the summer is out .

  12. 比利亚的经纪人何塞·路易斯·塔马戈说到:“大卫在瓦伦西亚很快乐,但像每个人一样,他也希望事业得到发展。”

    Villa 's agent Jose Luis Tamargo said : " David is happy at Valencia but like everyone he wants to improve . "

  13. 巴塞罗那射手大卫.比利亚在比赛中获得了第一次进球的机会,但是他的射门被德国门将诺伊尔给扑住。

    It was Barcelona striker David Villa who had the first chance of the game but his effort was smothered by Germany goalkeeper Manuel Neuer .

  14. 又有比利亚和示玛是亚雅仑居民的族长,是驱逐迦特人的。

    13 and Beriah and Shema , who were heads of families of those living in Aijalon and who drove out the inhabitants of Gath .

  15. 近日,西班牙北部平原小镇比利亚弗雷乔斯举行了一场集体相亲大会,以帮助当地众多的单身汉们寻找合适的伴侣。

    A small town on the northern plains of Spain held a large-scale blind date party onSaturday to help its many single men find potential mates .

  16. 比利亚,抢点盘带任意球都是他得强项,欧洲豪门俱乐部争夺得对象。

    Villa , makes up time the plate belt free kick is his strong point , the European Rich and powerful family Club competes for the object .

  17. 和英格兰相比,西班牙的骨架是:普约尔、皮克、阿隆索、哈维、比利亚和略伦特。

    Compare ( England ) with the spine of Spain : Carles Puyol , Gerard Pique , Xabi Alonso , Xavi , David Villa and Fernando Llorente .

  18. 现实主义还让奥巴马免于陷入卡扎菲倒台后的比利亚“泥淖”即便在最好的情况下,利比亚也注定将沦为一个无力、脆弱的国家。

    Realism also keeps Mr Obama from owning post-gaddafi Libya , which is destined , even in the best of circumstances , to be a weak and fragile state .

  19. 曼联已经把年轻前锋罗西卖给西班牙球会比利亚雷尔。罗西在上赛季结束租借给帕尔马后,他的未来整个夏天都是大家的热烈话题。

    Rossi 's future had been the subject of intense debate for most of the summer after an impressive loan spell at Parma at the end of last season .

  20. 巴萨俱乐部是否希望通过对别的俱乐部出价来迫使比利亚自己做出决定或者瓦伦西亚重新考虑报价,目前不得而知。

    Whether they are now hoping that news of bids going in to other clubs will persuade Villa to act independently or force Valencia into a re-think is unclear .

  21. 比利亚在第17分钟,他漂亮地杀进对手禁区,带球摆脱了洪都拉斯队的防守射门得手。

    Villa beat three defenders in the17th minute at Ellis Park and Honduras goalkeeper Noel Valladares got a touch on the rising shot but couldn 't keep it out .

  22. 起初几场比赛,大卫·比利亚从进攻型中场的位置出发,向前推进到主前锋托雷斯的身边。

    In Spain 's first few matches , David Villa ( 7 ) pushed on from an attacking midfield position to join the main striker , Torres ( 9 ) .

  23. 雅哈是长子,细撒是次子。但耶乌施和比利亚的子孙不多,所以算为一族。

    Jahath was the chief , and Zizah the second ; but Jeush and Beriah did not have many sons , therefore they became counted as a single father 's house .

  24. 一大堆的顶级俱乐部包括英超在内,都和比利亚的名字联系在一起,而席尔瓦在欧洲的受关注度也是水涨船高。

    A host of top clubs , including sides in the premiership , h * e been linked with villa , while midfielder silva 's reputation in Europe is growing fast .

  25. 同时雷纳拿托雷斯的情况跟比利亚的相似遭遇相对比,后者自高调转会巴萨后仅在西甲攻入两球。

    And Reina likened the situation with Torres to that endured by David Villa , who has scored just two goals in eight Primera Division outings since his big-money move to Barcelona .

  26. 比利亚全国过渡委员会的军队已经对苏尔特市发起进攻,用前线一位指挥官的说法就是“最后的进攻”,苏尔特是卡扎菲的最后根据地。

    Forces of the national transitional council in Libya have begun what a frontline commander says they finally assault towards the city of Sirte , one of Colonel Gaddafi 's last strongholds .

  27. 以法莲与妻同房,他妻就怀孕生了一子,以法莲因为家里遭祸,就给这儿子起名叫比利亚。

    And when he went in to his wife , she conceived , and bare a son , and he called his name Beriah , because it went evil with his house .

  28. 瓦伦西亚在艾梅里的正确率领下,球队已经完全摆脱了上赛季的阴影,而队内头号射手比利亚状态如日中天。

    Under Valencia 's in Aime correct leadership , the team already completely got rid on the season shadow , but in team top-quality shooter Villa condition at the height of power .

  29. 弗兰和托马斯·穆勒、威斯利·斯内德、大卫·比利亚在本届世界杯中都攻入了五粒进球,但穆勒因助攻次数最多而获得金靴奖。

    Forlan finished in a four-way tie with Thomas Muller Wesley Sneijder and David Villa for the Golden Boot with five goals-an award Muller took on a tie-break thanks to having more assists .

  30. 贝没有进入周六与比利亚雷尔的比赛名单,但卡佩罗指出说是因为他的膝盖伤势的原因。

    Beckham was left out of the squad for Real 's match at Villarreal on Saturday , but Capello pointed out that a knee problem meant he had not been considered for selection .