
  • Belgian;Belgium;Adolphe Sax
  1. 我本以为他是比利时人。

    I had assumed him to be a Belgian .

  2. 他第二次结婚,这一次是和一个比利时人。

    He was married for the second time , this time to a Belgian

  3. 比利时人依照国际联盟的授权接管了卢旺达。

    The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate

  4. 步兵团受到火力攻击时比利时人向后撤退。

    The Belgians fell back as the infantry came under fire .

  5. V形手势最为普遍的一个意思是在1941年由比利时人维克托·德·拉维雷创造发明的。

    The most popular meaning of the " V " sign was invented in 1941 by a Belgian , Victor De Lavalaye .

  6. 近30年过去后,在这个警惕自我本位主义者的公司,凭借善于团队合作的声誉,这位说话温和的比利时人接替包必达(peterbrabeck),成为了这家瑞士食品公司的首席执行官。

    Nearly three decades later , that reputation as a team player in a company wary of prima donnas helped the quietly spoken Belgian succeed Peter Brabeck to become chief executive of the Swiss food company .

  7. 邦纳与制片人罗美花(RyomMiHwa)以及联合导演、比利时人安嘉戴尔曼(AnjaDaelemans)力推“女性奋斗”题材,以挑战长久以来男性主导电影题材的状况。

    It is a fun if cheesy film of a young woman triumphing over sexism and class prejudice . Bonner along with producer Ryom Mi Hwa and Belgian co-director Anja Daelemans pushed for the " girl power " theme against the resistance of the male film establishment .

  8. 比利时人在2011年的利比亚战争中表现不俗。

    The Belgians distinguished themselves in the Libyan campaign of 2011 .

  9. 那个比利时人看来放心了,立即又坐了下来。

    The Belgian looked relieved , and promptly sat down again .

  10. 比利时人利用图西族人来统治国家。

    The Belgians used the Tutsis to run the country .

  11. 我父亲是比利时人,但我妈妈是西班牙人。

    My father 's Belgian but my mother was spanish .

  12. 比利时人今秋可能面临一场大选。

    The Belgians face a probable general election this autumn .

  13. 巨额的进口关税减少了比利时人对法国葡萄酒的兴趣。

    Heavy import duties discouraged Belgians from buying French wine .

  14. 比利时人首先在非洲开始砍手的刑罚。

    The Belgians were the first to chop off limbs in africa .

  15. 我不懂波兰语,我是比利时人。

    I don 't understand polish , I 'm belgian .

  16. 此外,英国皇家空军有一个比利时人,叫让。德塞利兹。

    Also in the RAF was a Belgian named Jean de Selys .

  17. 典狱长是比利时人,大部分守卫是荷兰人。

    The governor is Belgian , most of the guards are Dutch .

  18. 他表示:作为一个比利时人,我明白自己的弱点。

    Being a Belgian , I know my weaknesses .

  19. 在此期间,比利时人则讲鬼故事。

    Belgians , meanwhile , tell ghost stories .

  20. 实际上它是由一个比利时人设计的。

    It was actually styled by a belgium .

  21. 她不动声色,仔细观察正在填写表格的那个比利时人。

    Her face remained impassive , studying the Belgian as he completed the form .

  22. 他以后就会让比利时人,自由人。

    Tomorrow it 'll be Belgians or freedmen .

  23. “你觉得怎么样?”那个比利时人不安地问道。

    ' What do you think ? 'asked the Belgian with a touch of anxiety .

  24. 比利时人说:这是我生命中最神奇的一个时刻。

    The Belgian said : It was one of the magical moments of my life .

  25. 这块长1221米的蛋糕重写了1992年由比利时人创造的世界记录。

    At 1221 meters , the cake bests the record held since 1992 by the Belgians .

  26. 深受比利时人喜欢。

    By the Belgians like it .

  27. 她的第一份工作是替一位富有的比利时人照顾孩子。

    her first job was to look after the children of a rich family in Belgium .

  28. 比利时人讲什么语言?

    What do the Belgian speak ?

  29. 当日本籍员工遇到比利时人、智利人和意大利人时,他们总能设法相互交流。

    When a Japanese employee met a Belgian , a Chilean and an Italian , they managed .

  30. 平均来说,每个比利时人每年要喝74升(19.5加仑)啤酒。

    On average , each Belgian drinks 74 liters ( 19.5 gal ) of beer every year .