
  1. 这项工作比计划滞后了22周。

    The work is 22 weeks behind schedule

  2. 如果SPI大于一,项目是比计划超前的。

    If the SPI is greater than one , the project is ahead of schedule .

  3. 摩托罗拉今天宣布,他们能比计划时间更早地推出MotoG手机。

    The company announcing today , because it was able to produce its Moto G phones faster than expected .

  4. 本文介绍了第17届国际拖曳水池会议(ITTC)海洋工程委员会的半潜平台运动响应理论计算互比计划。

    The introduction to the project of comparative calculations of the motion of a semi-submersible drilling rigconducted by the17th ITTC Ocean Engineering Committee is presented .

  5. G151的乘客比计划晚3个小时达到上海,他们对铁路公司的服务感到失望。

    Passengers on G151 arrived at Shanghai three hours later than planned , they feel disappointed by the service from the railway company .

  6. 市场经济已经证明比计划经济更有效。

    A.market economy has proved more efficient than planned economy worldwide .

  7. 贸易壁垒的取消比计划提前了五年到来。

    Elimination of trade barriers came five years ahead of schedule .

  8. 我要比计划的晚点回来。

    I 'm gonna be a little longer than I thought .

  9. 我们此时比计划稍微迟了些。

    We 're a little behind schedule at the moment .

  10. 很好,这样就比计划提前了。干得不错。

    Great ! That 'll be ahead of schedule ! Good work .

  11. 好的,我会比计划的更早搬过来。

    Well , I may be moving in sooner than I planned .

  12. 这使得房屋重建工作比计划提前了3个月。

    That puts housing reconstruction three months ahead of schedule .

  13. 这栋建筑的工程比计划要用的时间长的多。

    Construction of the building took considerably longer than planned .

  14. 市场比计划更看重女性人力资本?

    Is women 's human capital valued more by markets than by planners ?

  15. 现在的问题是这个工程已经超出预算而且已经比计划晚了几年。

    The problem is the project is running over-budget and is years late .

  16. B:我们比计划拖期很多。

    B : We are away behind the schedule .

  17. 他们的工程进度比计划的快。

    And they 're doing it ahead of schedule .

  18. 我比计划提前一年释放了。

    I was released a year ahead of schedule .

  19. 比计划提前完成任务或项目和抢占先机类似。

    Similar to being early , is finishing tasks or projects ahead of schedule .

  20. 我的工作比计划提前了。

    My work is ahead of schedule .

  21. 比计划或预定的延后。

    Act later than planned or scheduled .

  22. 我们比计划拖期很多。

    We are away behind the schedule .

  23. 这是由于实际比计划增加利润4元和降低投资额3元造成的。

    This was obtained by increasing profit by $ 4 and decreasing investment by $ 3 .

  24. 这款飞机已经超预算,而且投入使用的时间比计划至少晚了3年。

    The aircraft is already over budget and entered service at least three years behind schedule .

  25. 实际的交付日期比计划的更早,因为通过演进的迭代得到了效率。

    The actual delivery date was earlier than planned because of efficiencies gained through evolution overlap .

  26. 一般说来,最终所达到的效果总的要比计划的好或差。

    Generally speaking , what 's reached in the end may be better or worse than what was proposed .

  27. 我发现吸引人的是,大多数人策划他们的假期会比计划他们的生活更用心。

    I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they do their lives .

  28. 因为可定作用显著,因而这项试验3月份结束,比计划提前了3年。

    The trial was stopped in March , 3 years ahead of schedule , because Crestor was working so well .

  29. (长时间拖延后)做某事比计划或预定的延后。

    Come round to sth / doing sth ; do sth after a long delay act later than planned or scheduled .

  30. 它的实际成本比计划成本高出216美元/台,而且投产日期也比计划晚了三个月。

    It cost $ 216 more to make each one than planned and its production had started three months behind schedule .