
  • 网络bikini atoll;Bikini Atol
  1. 马绍尔群岛的比基尼环礁。

    · Bikini Atoll , Marshall Islands .

  2. 鱼群蓝色狂想曲!马绍尔群岛的比基尼环礁附近,一群鲱鱼在游弋。

    Rhapsody in blue , a school of yellowtail fusiliers ( Caesio cunning ) swims near the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands .

  3. 比基尼环礁,作为美国70年前在太平洋进行核试验的地址,现如今竟然拥有丰富的动植物生态系统。

    Bikini Atoll , the Pacific Ocean site where the United States carried out nuclear testing over 70 years ago , now has an abundant ecosystem of plant and animal life .

  4. 海绵宝宝和他的宠物小蜗一起生活,他们居住在位于热带小岛比基尼环礁下面一个虚构的地方&比基尼海滩贝壳街124号。

    SpongeBob lives with his pet snail Gary in a large " pineapple-house " on124 Conch Street in fictional Bikini Bottom , which is located beneath the real tropical isle of Bikini Atoll .