
bǐ jī ní
  • Bikini;Bikini line;Mankini
  • Bikini
比基尼 [bǐ jī ní]
  • [英语 Bikini] 译音。一种女性服装,上身为胸罩,下身是三角裤

  1. 她曾反对给自己拍穿比基尼泳装的照片。

    She had objected to a photo showing her in a bikini .

  2. 网上还有些幽默的评论宣扬有“比基尼桥”的“好处”,比如“可以在比基尼桥下塞个iPod”,或者“有了比基尼桥,晒痕更平滑”。

    There are even facetious comments posted promoting the ' benefits ' of possessing a ' bikini bridge ' such as ' fitting an ipod into your bikini bridge ' and ' getting a smoother tan line from your bikini bridge ' .

  3. 她的比基尼泳装是那种价格昂贵的名牌产品。

    Her bikini was one of those expensive designer jobbies .

  4. 肯定不会有很多买皮毛比基尼这种东西的。

    There can 't be many buyers out there for a fur bikini .

  5. 女子身穿比基尼在组屋顶楼停车场晒日光浴:不危险吗?

    Young lady bikini sunbathes on top of HDB carpark : Isn 't this dangerous ?

  6. 这种皮带式比基尼在泳衣的后部提供了可以想像的最少的覆盖

    The thong bikini offered the scantiest coverage yet imagined in the rear of the suit .

  7. 比基尼桥,是指(身材纤瘦的女生穿上比基尼后躺下时)比基尼式泳裤与髋骨形成的“桥状空间效果”。

    The bikini bridge is a term for the space you get between your bathing suit bottom and your hip bones when you lie down .

  8. 但是,当金·卡戴珊穿着自己的皮毛比基尼在雪地里玩耍时,她证明了自己可以让这种看上去毫无实际意义的东西发挥出作用。

    But Kim Kardashian proved just how useful such a seemingly impractical garment could be as she played in the snow wearing her ' furkini ' .

  9. 身体形象及健康专家卡蒂·洛维说:“比基尼桥是恐怖的‘励瘦’的另一例证,对年轻女性的身形和自尊都有负面影响。”

    Body image and wellbeing expert Katie Lowe said : ' The bikini bridge is just another example of horrendous4 thinspiration that encourages young women to develop poor body image and self-esteem .

  10. 身体形象及健康专家卡蒂·洛维说:“比基尼桥是恐怖的‘崇瘦主义’的另一例证,对年轻女性的身形和自尊都有负面影响。”

    Body image and wellbeing expert Katie Lowe said : ' The bikini bridge is just another example of horrendous thinspiration that encourages young women to develop poor body image and self-esteem .

  11. “比基尼医疗”是一种非正式说法,指的是一些医疗职业人士在治疗女性时,把注意力放在与乳房和生殖部位相关的健康问题上,而不是检查女性的整体健康状况。

    Bikini medicine is an informal term that refers to the tendency of some medical professionals to focus on health issues relating to the breasts and genital areas when treating women . This is as opposed to taking a look at the woman 's overall health .

  12. 这款太阳能比基尼会吸收太阳光发电。衣服上还缝有USB接口,穿戴者可以把电子设备插入其中充电。

    The Solar Bikini is powered by the sun and has USB sockets stitched in for the wearer to plug in an electronic device .

  13. 拉杰:你们知道谁是Marvel世界里最勇敢的人不?必须是给女绿巨人做比基尼蜜蜡脱毛那位仁兄。.选自《生活大爆炸》第四季第9集

    Raj : You know who 's got to be the bravest person in the Marvel Universe ?

  14. 但事实上,心理学家HelenFisher发现其实男人看身穿比基尼的辣妹跟看一套工具时的心理差不多。

    In fact , research by psychologist Helen Fisher found that men viewed bikini-clad women much as they would a set of tools .

  15. 因为Ronnie是卖药的,也因为我穿着联邦党党旗的比基尼。

    Maybe ' cause Ronnie deals pot or maybe ' cause of my confederate-flag bikini .

  16. 穿比基尼的女服务员为客人送上饮料,停在舞厅上的摩托艇中传出dj混乐。

    Bikini-clad waitresses serve drinks to guests as a DJ mixes music from a motorboat perched above the dance floor .

  17. LadyGaga上周还身穿“肉制比基尼”登上日本《时尚先生》封面,这招致了动物权利保护组织的批评。

    Meanwhile , last week Lady Gaga appeared on the cover of Japanese Men 's Vogue wearing a meat bikini and attracting criticism from animal rights groups .

  18. 这位23岁的新妈咪在和儿子Kai在巴巴多斯岛度假时,身着黑色比基尼,大秀自己健康的肤色和平坦的小腹。

    The23-year-old WAG showed off her toned figure and enviably flat stomach in a black bikini while on holiday with son Kai in Barbados .

  19. 从碧姬·芭铎(BrigitteBardot)的鼎盛时期起,比基尼就象征着魅力、年轻和性感。

    Since Brigitte Bardot 's heyday the bikini has symbolized glamour , youth and sex appeal .

  20. 17岁的切尔西·钱尼在Facebook上贴出了她的一张比基尼照片,这张照片只能为她的朋友所见。

    When Chelsea Chaney was 17 , she posted a picture of herself in a bikini beside a cardboard cutout of Snoop Dogg ( of all things ) to Facebook to be seen by her friends .

  21. 上面说我们订的里Rivera比基尼,各种尺寸和颜色都有,

    and it clearly states that we ordered the Rivera bikini in a variety of sizes and colours . And ....

  22. 据ABC新闻报道称,“穿着代表该航空公司的、鲜明性感的红黄色彩比基尼上衣和围裙,这些年轻美丽的空姐鱼贯涌入飞机的过道,进行比基尼表演”。

    As reported by ABC News , " Clad in vaporous string bikini tops and sarongs that flaunted the company colors of red and yellow , young , beautiful women filed down the plane 's aisles for a bikini show . "

  23. 比利时安全研究员IntiDeCeukelaire发现这一现象,另外,脸书会让用户搜索到其女性好友穿比基尼的照片,又进一步证实了他们的发现。

    The feature was spotted by Belgian security researcher Inti De Ceukelaire , whose findings led to further revelations that Facebook prompts its users to search for photos of female friends in bikinis .

  24. 超过十个穿着黑色比基尼和高跟鞋的美女大约中午出现在建外SOHO,作为互联网公司内什么的推广活动的一部分。

    The more than 10 women in black bikinis and heels popped up at Jianwai SOHO around noon as part of a promotional event for Internet firm Neishenme , a witness told the Global Times .

  25. 将近十年前,诺拉·埃夫隆(NoraEphron)曾著名地建议“所有年轻人”都穿上比基尼,一直穿到34岁。

    It was almost a decade ago that Nora Ephron famously instructed " anyone young " to go put on a bikini and not take it off until age 34 .

  26. 例如2012年,最流行的网络热潮之一就是中国古代大诗人杜甫的画像遭到PS恶搞,网民们将杜甫打扮成麦当劳叔叔、给他“穿”上比基尼,或是让他嘴里叼着玫瑰花跳探戈。

    In 2012 , for example , one of the year 's most popular Internet memes was photoshopped pictures of revered Chinese poet Dufu , who was variously pictured by netizens as being dressed like Ronald McDonald , wearing a bikini and tangoing with a rose in his mouth .

  27. 这位《摩登家庭》女星为Kmart拍摄了最新的性感广告活动宣传照,照片中Vergara身着豹纹比基尼,显得身材非常魔鬼。

    The Modern Family star 's newest ad campaign for Kmart features quite the sexy shot of Vergara flaunting her curves in a sexy leopard print bikini .

  28. 他醒来时发现自己坐在干净的地方,被四十几个年轻女人围着,她们只穿软毛(三角裤与胸罩分开的)比基尼泳装,这些女人可以让美人RaquelWelch感到自卑而退回家去。

    He awoke to find himself sat in a clearing surrounded by about four dozen young women wearing the sort of fur bikini that would have made Raquel Welch give up and go home .

  29. 36岁的凯蒂·坎纳佩尔·赖瑟(KatieKannapellRyser)是一位家庭主妇。她本来喜欢璞琪(Pucci)的细带比基尼,现在转而青睐连体泳衣,尤其是Gottex的“游泳连衣裙”。

    And Katie Kannapell Ryser , 36 , a stay-at-home mother , has become a convert from the Pucci string bikini to the one-piece , specifically the " swim dress " by Gottex .

  30. 与此同时,自称是电子游戏狂的19岁男孩姚晓峰(音)说,粉丝们喜欢比基尼女郎和电子游戏,ChinaJoy迎合了这种需求。

    Meanwhile , 19-year-old self-described videogame maniac Yao Xiaofeng said fans like bikini girls and videogames , and ChinaJoy filled that need .