
bǐ qiū
  • monk;Buddhist monk
比丘 [bǐ qiū]
  • [monk] 和尚。梵语,khiksu的译音

  • 桑门为息心,比丘为行乞。--《魏书.释老志》

比丘[bǐ qiū]
  1. 诸比丘!远离杀生,远离不与取,于爱欲远离邪行。

    Abstaining from killing , from taking what is not given , & from illicIt'sex .

  2. 图片:It’salongwaydown.万丈悬崖图片:TheGrandCanyonNationalPark.大峡谷国家公园古城马丘比丘在印加古道最高处。印加古道被称为是“死亡路线”。

    The ancient city of Machu Picchu lies at the top of the Inca Trail , which has become known as the " hike of death . "

  3. 马丘比丘又称“古老的山巅”(OldPeak)是哥伦布发现美洲大陆以前的印加古城,位于秘鲁印加圣谷(UrubambaValley)之上的海拔2430米的山脉之上,靠近库斯科。

    Machu Picchu (" Old Peak ") is a pre-Columbian Inca city located at2,430 m ( 7,970 ft ) altitude on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru , near Cusco .

  4. HiramBingham是一位因发现马丘比丘印加遗址而闻名的美国历史学家。

    Hiram Bingham was an American historian credited with bringing the ancient Inca site of Machu Pichu to world attention .

  5. Unesco设立非物质文化遗产名录,目的在于对仪式和民俗文化表示敬重,尤其是对可能没有马丘比丘(MachuPiccus)或帕特农神庙(Parthenons)的文化。

    The intangible cultural heritage list is Unesco 's attempt to honor things like rituals and community-based activities , intended especially for cultures that may not have Machu Piccus or Parthenons .

  6. 虽然没有证据显示意外发生时他们二人正在拍照,马丘比丘的导游经常警告游客曾有许多人因试图拍出完美纪念照而死亡或受重伤。图片:AviewofthezigzagroadatMachuPicchu,马丘比丘曲折的路

    While there 's no suggestion they were taking photos when they fell , Machu Picchu guides frequently warn people that tourists have plummeted to their deaths - or been severely injured - while trying to take the perfect snap .

  7. 我们听过瓦克利(Vakkali)比丘的故事,他执著于佛陀的身相,而从不去看他自己的心。

    We have heard the story of the monk Vakkali , who was attached to the Buddha 's body and never looked at his own mind .

  8. 好吧撒切尔比丘吉尔更可能

    Right , Thatcher 's a more likely bet than Churchill .

  9. 看到马丘比丘的第一眼,就会让人觉得这里不可思议。

    The first sight of Machu Picchu is almost magical .

  10. 以及怎样,比丘,一个比丘有清楚的理解呢?

    And how , bhikkhus , does a bhikkhu have clear comprehension ?

  11. 接着,比丘,是怎样的比丘心理呢?

    And how , bhikkhus , is a bhikkhu mindful ?

  12. 我身在民丘比丘最高跳。

    I 'm at the highest point of Machu picchu .

  13. 美国历史学家还拉姆·宾汉于1911年重新发现了马丘比丘。

    American historian Hiram Bingham rediscovered Machu Picchu in 1911 .

  14. 佛陀伸出他的手,说:来,比丘!

    And Buddha stretched forth his hand , saying Come , monk !

  15. 于是他靠近佛陀,请求受戒成为比丘。

    So he approached the Lord Buddha and requested ordination as a Bhikkhu .

  16. 比丘们对他的话随喜、心悦。

    Gratified , the monks delighted at his words .

  17. 乘车地:Poroy或者马丘比丘费用:往返588美元

    Boarding : Poroy or Machu Pichu Cost : US $ 588 round-trip .

  18. 秘鲁绝不仅有马丘比丘。

    So Peru doesn 't just have Machu Picchu .

  19. 这些,比丘们,就是佛的四大法印。

    These , Bhikkhus , are the Four Great References ( 06 ) .

  20. 1983年,马丘比丘被联合国教科文组织命名为世界遗产。

    In 1983 , Machu Picchu was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site .

  21. 这一地点叫马丘比丘,由海拉姆·宾厄姆发现并加以探索。

    The site was Machu Picchu , discovered and explored by Hiram Bingham .

  22. 比丘们,色身(色)非我(不是我)。

    Form , monks , is not self .

  23. 十三诸比丘!如此众生是王舍城之屠牛者。

    Monks , this person was a slaughterer of cattle in this same Rajagaha .

  24. 马丘比丘古城吸引了来自世界各地的游客。

    The ancient city of Machu Picchu attracts visitors from all over the world .

  25. 不是去我的目的地马丘比丘,而是漫无目的地闲逛。

    Not towards my destination Machu Pichu , but rather to nowhere in particular .

  26. 马丘比丘成为失落的城市,直到地理学家海勒姆宾厄姆在1911年重新发现这里。

    It was lost to the wider world until geographer Hiram Bingham rediscovered it in1911 .

  27. 不与老师和弟子共住之比丘,则是乐住。

    A bhikkhu who has no students and no teacher dwells happily , in comfort .

  28. 马丘比丘大约由200座左右的神殿、贮存室和房屋组成。

    Machu Picchu comprises roughly around two hundred temples , storage facilities , and houses .

  29. 马丘比丘的建筑具有印加传统风格,抛光干石墙。

    Machu Picchu was built in the classical Inca style , with polished dry-stone walls .

  30. 请给我授戒让我成为比丘,这样我就能够修行八正道。

    Please ordain me a Bhikkhu so that I can develop the Noble Eightfold Path .