
shī jí
  • collection of poems;poetry anthology;poetry
诗集 [shī jí]
  • [collection of poems;poetry anthology] 编辑一个人或许多人的诗而成的书

诗集[shī jí]
  1. 在他最新的诗集里,读者能够读到他对死亡的一系列感想。

    In his latest collection of poems readers are confronted with a series of reflections on death .

  2. 这部诗集描绘了第二次世界大战的一个侧影。

    The second world war is reflected in this collection of poems .

  3. 她朗诵了她最近出版的诗集里的一首诗。

    She gave a reading from her latest volume of poetry .

  4. 一张照片、一本诗集和一枚金戒指——这就是他的全部家当。

    A photo , a book of poems and a gold ring ─ this was the sum total of his possessions .

  5. 在他短暂的一生里,他只出版过3卷薄薄的诗集。

    He published only three slim volumes of verse in his short life .

  6. 他的最新诗集将由菲贝尔出版公司于5月出版。

    His latest book of poetry will be published by Faber in May .

  7. 他的诗集的出版可能说是一件大事。

    The publication of his collected poems was approaching the status of an event .

  8. 柯林斯·哈维尔公司打算出版一本帕斯捷尔纳克的小诗集。

    Collins Harvill had it in mind to publish a short volume about Pasternak .

  9. 该诗集虽然可能号称收录广泛,但并未涵盖所有苏格兰诗歌。

    Varied though the anthology may claim to be , it does not cover the whole gamut of Scottish poetry

  10. 他有一本新出版的惠特曼诗集。

    He has a new collection of Whitman 's poetry .

  11. 他给《诗集》以高度评价。

    He sets a high value on “ Poems ” .

  12. 他认真编辑一本诗集。

    He edited a Book of poetry carefully .

  13. 她酷爱这位诗人,以致将他的诗集全抄录下来。

    She loved the poet so much that she copied out his whole collection of poetry .

  14. n.诗,诗篇;韵文他的一套诗集刚刚出版。

    verse A collection of his verse has just been published .

  15. 《德里克·沃尔科特诗集,1948-2013》(ThePoetryofDerekWalcott1948-2013)。


  16. 诗人路易斯·葛吕科(LouiseGlück)凭她最新出版的诗集《忠诚与高尚的夜晚》(FaithfulandVirtuousNight)获得诗歌奖,该书由法勒、斯特劳斯与吉鲁科斯出版社出版。

    The poet Louise Gl ü ck won for her latest collection , " Faithful and Virtuous Night , " published by Farrar , Straus and Giroux .

  17. 在辛辛那提上高中时,洛克伍德在一本诗集里读到了一首诗。这首诗居然很幽默。洛克伍德发现这诗的作者肯尼思·柯克(KennethKoch)是辛辛那提人。

    While in high school in Cincinnati , she encountered in an anthology a poem that was actually funny and learned that its author , Kenneth Koch , was a Cincinnati native .

  18. 她最近还出版了一本诗集。她是垮掉派作家赫伯特·亨克尔(HerbertHuncke)的文学遗产执行人。

    She has also recently published a volume of poetry , and serves as the executor of the Beat writer Herbert Huncke 's literary estate .

  19. 企鹅诗歌出版社(PenguinPoets),平装,20美元。洛克伍德带来这样一本诗集,与大多数诗集相比更加愤怒、更有趣,更切合我们的时代,也更加奇异。

    ( Penguin Poets , paper , $ 20 . ) Lockwood offers a collection at once angrier , and more fun , more attuned to our time and more bizarre , than most poetry can ever get .

  20. 劳伦斯费苓赫特(lawrenceferlinghetti)在他的“心中的康尼岛”诗集中写道:“el后面的一分钱糖果店/是我的第一次/与幻境坠入爱河”。

    As Lawrence Ferlinghetti put it in " a Coney Island of the mind " , " the pennycandystore beyond the El / is where I first / fell in love / with unreality " .

  21. 独立出版社灰狼出版(GraywolfPress)有两本诗集入围最终的决选名单,汉德勒赞美它说:如果你们是一家对盈利不感兴趣的出版社,请在颁奖礼结束后去见杰夫·贝佐斯吧。

    In praising the nonprofit publisher Graywolf Press , which had two poetry finalists , Mr. Handler said , If you are a publishing house interested in not making a profit , please see Jeff Bezos after the show .

  22. 容早年曾是诗人,在《怕飞》之前出版过两本诗集,后来她把《怕飞》卖给亚伦·阿舍(AaronAsher),此人曾为索尔·贝娄(SaulBellow)、菲利普·罗斯(PhilipRoth)和阿瑟·米勒(ArthurMiller)担任编辑。

    Ms. Jong started out as a poet , and published two volumes of verse before selling " Fear of Flying " to Aaron Asher , an editor whose roster of writers included Saul Bellow , Philip Roth and Arthur Miller .

  23. 他的新诗集和他以前的选集不一样。

    His new collection of poems is unlike his previous anthologies .

  24. 生存宿命的哲学意识是陈梦家《梦家诗集》诗歌的精神指向。

    The philosophical consciousness of existing destiny is the spiritual guidance !

  25. 老师指出米尔顿的诗集有一种庄严。

    The teacher pointed out that Milton 's poetry has dignity .

  26. 她出版了一本书名叫《追赶月光》的诗集。

    She has published a book of poetry called Chasing Moonbeams .

  27. 所以我写了第一本诗集

    So I 've written my very first book of poetry .

  28. 她估计自己的弟弟不会读到这本诗集。

    She didn 't think her brother would read the book .

  29. 丽塔·达芙的诗集《托马斯与比尤拉》对真理的探寻

    The Search for Truth in Rita Dove 's Thomas and Beulah

  30. 约翰小心地保存着这本旧诗集。

    John held the book of old poetry close to him .