
shī shǐ
  • history of poetry;poetry of historic significance
诗史 [shī shǐ]
  • (1) [history of poetry]∶诗歌发展的历史

  • (2) [poetry of historic significance]∶指反映一个时代的面貌、具有历史意义的诗歌,如杜甫的诗歌

诗史[shī shǐ]
  1. 其实,它是有其独特风貌及诗史意义的。

    In fact , it had unique feathers and importance of the history of poetry .

  2. 这是衡量与评价水云诗史的前提;

    This weighs and appraises the prerequisite of the " history of poetry " of Shuiyun ;

  3. 新诗史写作:可能与限度

    Writing History of New Poetry : Possibility and Limitation

  4. 杜诗诗史精神的第三重内涵

    The third connotation of the Spirit of Poetic History of Du 's Poetry

  5. 艾青体诗歌及其诗史建构

    AI Qing-Style Poetry and the Construction of Poetry History

  6. 中国诗史研究与撰著的世纪回顾

    The Historical Review of the Study of Chinese Poetry History and Its Compilation

  7. 一个为自由而战的英雄,一段凄美悲壮的诗史。

    A hero fights for freedom , a beautiful , solemn and stirring epic .

  8. 在诗人和读者之间&诗史、诗圣说源流考述

    Between Poets and Readers & On the Originating of Shi Shi and Shi Sheng

  9. 诗人情性是其诗歌创作中诗史以外的另一面。

    The disposition of poets is another side outside his epics in his poetry creation .

  10. 舒婷的爱情诗是中国爱情诗史上不可或缺的力作。

    Shuting 's love poetry is significant works in the history of Chinese love poetry .

  11. 李白和杜甫在中国的诗史上居于出类拔萃的地位。

    Li Bai and Du Fu figure most prominently in the history of Chinese poetry .

  12. 论少数民族音乐文化对乐府诗史的影响

    A Study of the Musical Culture of the Minority Nationalities Impacting on the History of Yue-Fu

  13. 中国汉语诗坛没有出现严格意义上的经典性史诗,但是诞生了诗史。

    No classical epic in the strict sense has ever appeared in Chinese history of poetry .

  14. 梁启超的诗史观&《饮冰室诗话》的若干诗学思想分析宋季诗史现象探讨

    Liang Qichao 's conception of poetic history On the phenomena of poetic history in Late Song Dynasty

  15. 论乾嘉之际诗歌创作力量结构及其诗史意义

    The Structure of Producing Strength of the Parnassus between the Qianlong and Jiaqing Times and its Meaning

  16. 《文选》收录苏、李诗的诗史意义

    Historic Importance of Including into " Selected Works " the Poems by Su Wu and Li Ling

  17. 试析长安的生活经历对杜甫诗史风格的影响

    An Analysis of the Impact of Du Fu 's Life Experience in Chang'an on His Writing Style

  18. 玄言诗表现出与主流文学传统大异其趣的审美异质性,在诗史与诗学史上有其独特的价值和意义。

    On account of its apparent deviation from the mainstream literature , it possesses particular value and significance .

  19. 从新诗史的角度考察,中国新诗的自由形式更合于新诗本身的品性,不定型就是其已有或应有形式。

    The free pattern must be the correct one and the uncertain pattern is the real pattern of C.

  20. 同时,荷马诗史也是研究古希腊风土人情的宝贵的资料。

    At the same time , Homer 's Epic is also on the traditions of ancient Greece valuable information .

  21. 写人的史家风范,使杜诗“诗史”精神的内涵更加丰富。

    Historian style of describing characters makes the connotation of spirit of poetic history of Du 's poetry more rich .

  22. 而汪元量用形象的手法反映一代之历史,其“诗史”亦具有诗的意蕴和美学价值。

    On-the other hand , Wang reflected history with vivid expressions which gives his epic poetic conception and aesthetic value .

  23. 第二部分以诗史结合作为切入点,重点分析耿湋的政治思想和佛教思想。

    The second part focuses on analyzing his political thought and buddhist thought based on studying of Poetry and history .

  24. 与杜甫“诗史”相比,汪元量的“诗史”明显带有自己所处时代和生活经历的印记。

    Compared with Du Fu 's epic , Wang 's works are unique in connecting his own period and experience .

  25. 我们需要怎样的新诗史&关于中国新诗史写作的几点思考

    We Need What History of Chinese New Poetry : Some Reflections on the Writing of the History of Chinese New Poetry

  26. 李昶作品虽然数量不多,但是有较高的诗史价值和文学鉴赏价值。

    Though there are not plenty of works , yet they have a high value in poetic history and literature appreciation .

  27. 首先引入“诗史”的概念,从外延和内涵两个方面予以定义,以严密的逻辑思维界定一叶诗符合“诗史”的必充条件。

    In the first place it quotes a concept of " history of poetry " defined in both extension and connotation .

  28. 人的自觉与文的自觉&如何在中国诗史上定位建安风骨文艺学研究试论当前文艺学研究模式存在的问题及对策

    Consciousness of Man and Consciousness of Literature Writing On the Problems of the Research Pattern of Present Literary Theory and Countermeasures

  29. 研究古代文学中的诗史问题,宋季诗史是最重要的对象。

    The poetic history of Late Song Dynasty is the most important in the study of poetic history of the ancient literary .

  30. 谈文学史的写作特性&以《中国当代新诗史》大陆诗歌部分的修订为例

    On Writing Features of Literature History & take the revision of the mainland poetry of History of Chinese Contemporary Poetry for example