
shī yì
  • poetry;poetic quality or flavour
诗意 [shī yì]
  • [poetic quality or flavour] 像诗里表达的那样给人以美感的意境

  • 富有诗意

诗意[shī yì]
  1. 你不理解生活的诗意。

    You don 't understand the poetry of life .

  2. 曾经有人猜测,叶芝之所以选择这里,全因其岛名发音中的诗意,最后一个音节“free”更是象征着“自由”之意。

    Some have speculated that Yeats chose it because of the poetry in the syllables of its name , and the last syllable 's suggestion of freedom .

  3. 我喜欢她的画中那种充满诗意、赏心悦目的特性。

    I 'm drawn to the poetic , sensuous qualities of her paintings .

  4. 她的演奏富有诗意。

    There is a poetic quality to her playing .

  5. 他的音乐比真正的诗歌更具诗意。

    His music is purer poetry than a poem in words .

  6. 他的译作非常有诗意。

    His translation is exceptional in its poetic quality .

  7. 尼古拉·杰米坚科的表演激动人心且富有诗意。

    Nikolai Demidenko gave an exciting yet poetic performance .

  8. “我,”他以富有诗意的语言结尾,“将守候着你,直至晨光初露。”

    ' I , ' he finished poetically , ' will watch over you to the break of day . '

  9. 这首诗意在言外。

    The poem means more than meets the eye .

  10. 这是亚里士多德描绘的美妙且非同寻常的诗意画面。

    It is a beautiful and uncharacteristically poetic image that Aristotle offers .

  11. 仲夏节是富有诗意的节日,它以鲜花领航,在篝火旁完美落幕

    Poetically , Midsummer 's Eve begins in flowers and ends in fire .

  12. 这是一幅富有诗意的风景画

    This is a poetical picture of the landscape .

  13. 传统住居告诉了我们,古人是怎样诗意地栖居在大地上(Poeticinhabitoftheearth),以此来呼唤在住居设计中对人生活本身的关注。

    The traditional dwellings evident how the ancient people lead a poetic inhabit of the earth , which appeals to us who the architecture concerned is the human being itself .

  14. 李名觉还跟舞台设计师鲍里斯·亚伦森(BorisAronson,与阿诺德·亚伦森没有关系)合作过。亚伦森博士说鲍里斯·亚伦森把抽象艺术运动带入了美国戏剧界,提供了“一种与梅尔齐纳的诗意现实主义相反的重要方法”。

    Mr. Lee also worked with the set designer Boris Aronson ( no relation to Arnold Aronson ) , who Dr. Aronson said introduced nonobjective art movements into the American theater , providing " an important counterpoint to the poetic realism of Mielziner . "

  15. 朋友是秋天的雨,细腻又满怀诗意;

    Friends is autumn rain , delicate and full of poetry ;

  16. 最后,女性乌托邦静静地在诗意的理想里死去。

    Finally , the female utopia died in Poetic ideals silently .

  17. 作者弗司各特菲茨杰拉德,一位充满诗意的作家。

    By F. Scott Fitzgerald . Just an absolutely poetic writer .

  18. 游观是诗意化人生之实践活动。

    Traveling is a significant part of a poet 's life .

  19. 艺术的诗意本性&海德格尔论艺术与诗

    The Poetic Nature of Art & Heidegger On Poetry and Art

  20. 媒介变革与语言诗意危机

    The Evolution of Electronic Media and the Crisis of Poetic Language

  21. 在陈染文本中,处处可见她的艺术心境和诗意表达。

    The expression of art mind and poesy in her novels .

  22. 隐喻:鲁迅小说的诗意内涵

    Metaphor : Poetic Connotation in LU Xun ′ s Novels

  23. 追求梦幻诗意的效果。

    The pursuit of fantastic and poetic effect . 4 .

  24. 以生命视角观照狄金森的意象诗意蕴

    Interpretation of Emily Dickinson 's Imagery Poems from the Life Comprehension Perspective

  25. 绿都诗意&城市批判之南京

    Poetry of Green Metropolis-Criticism on the City Cultures of Nanjing

  26. 诗意化效果是我找到的概括性的最主要的原因。

    Poetic effects are the primary and inclusive reason I have found .

  27. 诗意美、力度美是书法创作活动中不可缺少的审美内容。

    Poetry and dynamic beauty are indispensably aesthetic parts in calligraphy creation .

  28. 乐曲以非常富有诗意的旋律缓缓结束。

    The piece ends with a truly poetic slow movement .

  29. 诗意、力度美在书法创作中的意义

    The Significance of Poetry and Dynamic Beauty in Calligraphy Creation

  30. 勒·柯布西耶:机器美学与诗意地建造

    Le Corbusier : Machine Aesthetic and the Creation with the Poetic Reaction