
shī piān
  • poem;epic
诗篇 [shī piān]
  • (1) [poem]∶诗的总称

  • 这些诗篇充满了革命激情

  • (2) [epic]∶比喻类似史诗的事物

  • 我们时代的壮丽诗篇

  • (3) 也比喻富有意义的故事、文章等

  • 光辉的诗篇

诗篇[shī piān]
  1. 这是一首向读者充分地表达出诗人思想感情的诗篇。

    This is a poem that perfectly conveys to the readers what the poet feels .

  2. 在那场让FrancisScottKey写出纪念战争胜利的著名诗篇‘星条旗’的战争结束后,星条旗仍在清早飘扬起来。

    The sight of the flag still flying in the early morning after the battle led Francis Scott Key to write his famous poem ," The Star Spangled Banner ," to celebrate the American victory .

  3. 他背诵了《诗篇》第23篇中的一节。

    He recited a verse of the twenty-third psalm .

  4. 每年创作和发表的诗篇,含蓄不露的比明朗的多。

    There are more obscure poems written and printed every year than clear ones .

  5. 若是离开了沸腾的生活,诗人是写不出感人的诗篇的。

    If a poet is divorced from the hustle and bustle of life , he can 't write inspiring poetry .

  6. 当时许多脍炙人口的诗篇没有流传下来。

    Many of the popular poems of that time did not have a chance to be handed down to this day .

  7. 这个诗人的豪放生活与他缠绵悱恻的诗篇形成鲜明的对照。

    The poet 's rough life contrasts with his sensitive poetry .

  8. 这些诗篇构成了一幅农村生活多彩的画图。

    These poems give a colourful picture of country life .

  9. 这些诗篇决不纯粹是自传性质的。

    These poems are by no means purely autobiographical .

  10. 这些诗篇记录了诗人一生的轨迹。

    These poems recorded his life 's journey .

  11. 我可以把她的诗歌与本世纪的最佳诗篇相比。

    I can compare her poetry to the greatest poems of the present century .

  12. 她的诗被认为是本世纪最著名的诗篇之一。

    Her poetry is reckoned among the best-known this century .

  13. 他的诗篇虽然庄严巧妙,却有猜迷之嫌。

    His poems , despite their dignity and felicity , have an air of charade .

  14. 圣经〉诗篇》

    the Book of Psalms 《〈

  15. 诗篇》里有一句话闪过帕格的脑海:“不要相信王侯。

    A verse from Psalms knifed into Pug 's mind : " put not your trust in princes . " 《

  16. n.诗,诗篇;韵文他的一套诗集刚刚出版。

    verse A collection of his verse has just been published .

  17. 而且,swansong(最后的诗篇;绝笔;最后的功业)这种表达已在很长一段时间内都是英语的一部分。

    And , the expression swan song has long been a part of the English language .

  18. 当小说《撒旦诗篇》(TheSatanicVerses)遭到攻击时,图书行业组成了统一战线。

    When the novel The Satanic Verses was under attack , the book industry formed a united front .

  19. 伊朗政权确立了先例,发出针对作家萨尔曼•拉什迪(SalmanRushdie)的追杀令,就为了他写的小说《撒旦诗篇》(TheSatanicVerses)。

    The Iranian regime set the precedent when it issued a fatwa against the author Salman Rushdie in response to his book The Satanic Verses .

  20. 它体现了一项我们在进化过程中的遗留物:在结束充满压力的一天之后,从罗伯特・弗洛斯特(RobertFrost)诗篇里寻求慰藉的人,远远少于来一斤双乳脂软糖巧克力冰激凌的人。

    It is a sign of our evolutionary legacy that , at the end of a stressful day , far fewer of us will seek solace in the poetry of Robert Frost than in a pint of double fudge brownie ice cream .

  21. 几年前我在这方面有过教训,那是在萨尔曼•拉什迪(SalmanRushdie)受到威胁后,我试图阅读他写的《撒旦诗篇》(TheSatanicVerses)。

    I learnt my lesson in this regard a few years ago , when I tried to read The Satanic Verses after threats were made against its author , Salman Rushdie .

  22. 美妙的诗篇便会如瀑布一般倾泻而出。

    Beautiful poem will be such as the waterfall pouring out .

  23. 那就是我。但是我感受到的荷马的诗篇。

    I am wont to think that I can read Homer .

  24. 他已经朦胧地读到了一首真正的诗篇。

    In it he could already hazily discern a real poem .

  25. 唯一:闻一多爱国诗篇的深度评价

    Uniqueness : The In-depth Evaluation of Patriotic Poems by Wen Yiduo

  26. 那伟大的诗篇也给了人们笑料。

    The great poem contributed to the gayety of the world .

  27. 政客们和商人们都未能免于遭受他的诗篇的讽刺。

    His satiric poem spared neither the politicians nor the merchants .

  28. 直到你看完整个诗篇,整个章节。

    Until you read the whole psalm , the whole chapter .

  29. 周实重视诗歌的时代风貌与社会作用,他的爱国诗篇,显示出革命浪漫主义和乐观主义的精神。

    His patriotic poems manifest revolutionary romanticism and optimistic spirit .

  30. 木头构创的诗篇&明式家具的艺术与文化

    Peoms Composed with Wood-Art and culture of the Ming-style furniture