
  • 网络Absalom;Absalom Absalom;Abishalom
  1. 大卫王对他与他儿子押沙龙这种破碎的关系也有这样的遗憾。

    King David similarly regretted his broken relationship with his son Absalom .

  2. 因为我躲避你哥哥押沙龙的时候,他们拿食物来迎接我。

    They stood by me when I fled from your brother Absalom .

  3. 他玛就孤孤单单地住在她胞兄押沙龙家里。

    So Tamar went on living uncomforted in her brothers house .

  4. 撒下17:25押沙龙立亚玛撒作元帅代替约押。

    Absalom set Amasa over the army in place of Joab .

  5. 押沙龙的仆人就去放火烧了那田。

    And Absalom 's servants set the field on fire .

  6. 第四章进一步探讨了《押沙龙,押沙龙!》。

    The fourth chapter more discusses its poetic value of cubism narrative .

  7. 押沙龙的仆人就照押沙龙所吩咐的,向暗嫩行了。

    And the servants of Absalom did unto Amnon as Absalom had commanded .

  8. 押沙龙就起身,往希伯仑去了。

    So he arose , and went to Hebron .

  9. 第四章分析了作为复调小说《押沙龙,押沙龙!》产生的历史背景和重要意义。

    Chapter Four analyzes the historical background and significance of Absalom , Absalom !

  10. 时间,空间与自我&读威廉·福克纳小说《押沙龙,押沙龙!》

    Time , Space and Self & On William Faulkner 's Absalom , Absalom !

  11. 因为随从押沙龙的人民,日渐增多。

    And the conspiracy was strong ; for the people increased continually with Absalom .

  12. 押沙龙和以色列的长老都以这话为美。

    This plan seemed good to Absalom and to all the elders of Israel .

  13. 押沙龙偶然遇见大卫的仆人。

    And Absalom met the servants of David .

  14. 押沙龙和以色列人都安营在基列地。

    And Israel and absalom put up their tents in the land of Gilead .

  15. 于是约押起身往基述去,将押沙龙带回耶路撒冷。

    So Joab arose and went to Geshur , and brought Absalom to Jerusalem .

  16. 有人告诉大卫说,亚希多弗也在叛党之中,随从押沙龙。

    And one told David , saying , Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom .

  17. 押沙龙逃到基述,在那里住了三年。

    So Absalom fled , and went to geshur , and was there three years .

  18. 押沙龙对亚希多弗说,你们出个主意,我们怎样行才好。

    Then said Absalom to Ahithophel , Give counsel among you what we shall do .

  19. 王问古示人说、少年人押沙龙平安不平安。

    And the king said to the cushite , is the young man Absalom safe ?

  20. 押沙龙就回自己家里去,没有见王的面。

    So Absalom returned to his own house , and saw not the king 's face .

  21. 于是,大卫的朋友户筛进了城。押沙龙也进了耶路撒冷。

    So Hushai David 's friend came into the city , and Absalom came into Jerusalem .

  22. 她胞兄押沙龙问她说,莫非你哥哥暗嫩与你亲近了吗。

    And Absalom her brother said unto her , Hath Amnon thy brother been with thee ?

  23. 暗嫩回答说,我爱我兄弟押沙龙的妹子他玛。

    And Amnon said unto him , I love Tamar , my brother Absalom 's sister .

  24. 我恨不得替你死,押沙龙阿,我儿。我儿。

    Would God I had died for thee , O Absalom , my son , my son !

  25. 押沙龙住在耶路撒冷足有二年,没有见王的面。

    So Absalom dwelt two full years in Jerusalem , and saw not the king 's face .

  26. 《押沙龙,押沙龙!》的多元叙述艺术&兼与《喧哗与骚动》比较

    The Diversified Narrative Art of Absalom , Absalom ! & compared with The Sound and the Fury

  27. 约押这麽做可能是为了讨好大卫,也使押沙龙欠他一个人情。

    He probably did this in order to be favoured by David and to obligate Abasalom to him .

  28. 户筛对押沙龙说,亚希多弗这次所定的计谋不好。

    And Hushai said to absalom , the counsel that Ahithophel has given this time is not good .

  29. 雷暴雨过程中,龙卷风《押沙龙,押沙龙!》与《雷雨》的家族叙事比较

    During a thunderstorm , a tornado , The Clan Narrative of Absalom , Absalom ! and Thunder Storm

  30. 押沙龙再三求王,王就许暗嫩和王的众子与他同去。

    But Absalom pressed him until he let Amnon and all the king 's sons go with him .