
  • 网络Ish-bosheth;Ishbosheth;Ishbaal
  1. 伊施波设就打发人去,将米甲从拉亿的儿子,她丈夫帕铁那里接回来。

    And Ishbosheth sent , and took her from her husband , even from Phaltiel the son of Laish .

  2. 就按著定数起来、属扫罗儿子伊施波设的便雅悯人过去十二名、大卫的仆人也过去十二名。

    Then there arose and went over by number twelve of Benjamin , which pertained to Ishbosheth the son of Saul , and twelve of the servants of David .

  3. 伊施波设惧怕押尼珥,不敢回答一句。

    And he could not answer Abner a word again , because he feared him .

  4. 一日,伊施波设对押尼珥说,你为什麽与我父亲的妃嫔同房呢?

    And Abner said , As thy soul liveth , O king , I cannot tell .

  5. 大卫就打发人去见扫罗的儿子伊施波设,说,你要将我的妻米甲归还我。她是我从前用一百非利士人的阳皮所聘定的。

    And David sent messengers to Ishbosheth Saul 's son , saying , Deliver me my wife Michal , which I espoused to me for an hundred foreskins of the Philistines .