- 网络History of Iran

He wants Egyptians to learn from Iran 's history .
On the Intellectual Importation in Iranian His to ry
The 20th century is an important phase of historical development of Iran in which the core content lies at the transition from traditional society to modern society or the profound revolution in various aspects of the process of modernization .
I 'm proud of Iran for it 's glorious history ( Persian Empire ) .
This week , together with our allies and partners , we reached an historic understanding with Iran , which , if fully implemented , will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon and make our country , our allies , and our world safer .
Firstly , the article on the history and current status of the Iranian nuclear issue are described and summarized .
Greg Schulte is the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. in Vienna and the International Atomic Energy Agency , the IAEA . Speaking with VOA in London , Ambassador Schulte said Iran 's response at that meeting turned into a " meandering lesson in Iranian history and culture . "