
  1. 伊朗宪法监护委员会由部分神职人员和法官组成,今天他们将重新统计选票,但是反对党首领MirHosseinMousavi要求重新选举。

    Iran 's Guardian Council made up of clerics and judges agree today to recount some votes but opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi wants a new election instead .

  2. 伊朗宪法监护委员会也批准了内贾德和前任伊朗革命卫队指挥官默森-雷泽的候选资格。

    Iran 's Guardian Council also approved the candidacy of President Ahmadinejad and Mohsen Rezai , former head of the Revolutionary Guards .

  3. 尽管在这场竞选中包括30名女性,但伊朗宪法监护委员会上个月规定女性不能当选为总统。

    Iran 's Guardian Council ruled last month a woman cannot be president even though 30 women sought to be included in the race .

  4. 亚兹迪也是伊朗有影响力的宪法监护委员会的成员。该委员会负责审查候选人资格,也有权否决议会通过的法案。

    The cleric is also a member of Iran 's influential Guardian Council that approves candidates to run in elections and can veto laws passed by the parliament .

  5. 但他表示,这不是舞弊行为所致,可能原因在于伊朗缺乏相应法律,禁止伊朗人在国内任何地方都可以投票。伊朗宪法监护委员会正在调查大选结果。

    But he said this was not the result of any rigging and could be due to the lack of a legal ban on Iranians voting anywhere within the country .