
  • 网络the korean nuclear issue;north korea nuclear issue
  1. 中国在朝鲜核问题上的立场和对策研究

    A Study of China 's Stand and Countermeasures on the Korean Nuclear Issue

  2. 朝鲜核问题是东北亚地区最不安全的重要因素之一。

    The Korean nuclear issue is the most important factor affecting the security of Northeast - Asia .

  3. Park表示,美国与平壤举行双边谈判,可能也有助于减轻许多韩国人对于美国政府处理朝鲜核问题方式的不满。

    Mr Park said holding bilateral talks with Pyongyang would also help assuage many South Koreans ' unhappiness about the way Washington was dealing with the North Korean nuclear problem .

  4. 韩国外交通商部发言人赵炳珶(ChoByung-jae)表示:我们的评估是,基础已经奠定,可以推进我们的努力,力求以全面、根本的方式解决朝鲜核问题。

    It is our assessment that the basis has been set for moving forward on our efforts to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue in a comprehensive and fundamental manner , Cho Byung-jae , a spokesman for the foreign ministry , said .

  5. 重新思考朝鲜核问题:安全与身份

    A Reconsideration of the North Korean Nuclear Issue : Security and Identity

  6. 朝鲜核问题中的美国与国际法

    USA revolved in nuclear problem in DPRK and international law

  7. 关于朝鲜核问题的建构主义分析

    A Constructive Analysis of the North Korean Nuclear Issue

  8. 他还强调了在应对朝鲜核问题上合作的重要性。

    He emphasized the importance of cooperation on the North Korean nuclear issue .

  9. 朝鲜核问题的三种解决前景与中国的政策选择

    Three Future Solutions to Nuclear Crisis in North Korea and Policy Option of China

  10. 朝鲜核问题及其前景

    Nuclear Problem in DPRK and Its Solution

  11. 朝鲜核问题之研究

    Study of Korean Nuclear Issue

  12. 她重申了美国作为解决朝鲜核问题而提供经济援助的提议。

    She repeated American offers of economic assistance as part of a settlement of the nuclear issue .

  13. 朝鲜核问题一直以来是困扰东北亚地区安全的核心问题。

    The nuclear problem of North Korea is always the core one which perplexs the northeast region safety .

  14. 美国试图通过多边机构处理对生的伊朗与朝鲜核问题。

    America is trying to deal with the twin problems of Iran and North Korea through multilateral institutions .

  15. 外交部称,围绕朝鲜核问题一度搁置的六方会谈将重新开始。

    Stalled talks on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue will resume soon , the Foreign Ministry said Tuesday .

  16. 全世界都希望他能够在朝鲜核问题上能够带领他的国家回到谈判桌上,但是看上去他对此兴趣不大。

    The world wants him to return to negotiations over North Korea 's nuclear weapons program , but he has shown little interest .

  17. 这使得在朝鲜核问题上交织着复杂的利益博弈,影响着朝核问题的解决。

    That makes a complex benefit game interwoven on the North Korean nuclear issue , which affecting the settlement of the DPRK nuclear issue .

  18. 莱斯还说,她与李肇星还谈到为恢复朝鲜核问题六方谈判留出通道的重要性。

    She also said they spoke about the importance of leaving a path open to resuming six-party talks on North Korea 's nuclear program .

  19. 但是,如果说中国人现在准备通过安理会解决朝鲜核问题,那主要是寄希望于预先阻止美国单方面采取行动。

    But if the Chinese are now ready to work through the Security Council , that is chiefly in the hope of forestalling unilateral American action .

  20. 我国外交部长李肇星表示,中国会尽一切的努力促成六国会谈的举行。以成功解决朝鲜核问题。

    Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing says China will try its utmost to push the six-country talks aimed at resolvingnorth korea 's nuclear issue to a success .

  21. 为促进朝鲜核问题的和平解决,中国主持发起了六方会谈。朝核问题六方会谈成为中美进行交锋的平台。

    To resolve the North Korea nuclear problems peacefully , China launched the Six-party Talks , which become the platform for China and America to exchange their opinions .

  22. 朝鲜核问题的出现,使得本已开始缓和的地区局势,再次回到了紧张的状态。

    The emerging of North Korea nuclear problem made the regional situation return to a state of tension from a state which has showed a tendency of harmony .

  23. 据韩联社报道,与会的朝鲜核问题谈判代表李英镐呼吁应无条件重启六方会谈。

    Yonhap news agency reports North Korea 's nuclear envoy Ri Yong Ho , attending the same seminar as Yang , called for the unconditional resumption of talks .

  24. 然而,朝鲜核问题的迂回反复不仅对东北亚地区安全产生了深刻影响,而且给中朝关系带来了微妙变化。

    However , the roundabout and repetition of Korean Nuclear issue not only profoundly affects the safety of Northeast Asia , but also brings subtle changes for China-DPRK relation .

  25. 从2003年4月的三方会谈到2004年2月的第二次六方会谈,使人们看到了和平解决朝鲜核问题的希望。

    From three-side talk in April 2003 to the second six-side talk in February 2004 , we catch sight of the hope of solving North Korea nuclear crisis peacefully .

  26. 如朝鲜核问题,911事件,非洲开始建造航母等这些军事问题,面对这些问题,推广普及军事知识就显得尤为必要了。

    Such as the North Korean nuclear issue , 911 events , construction of aircraft carrier in Africa and so on military issues , the promotion of universal military knowledge is particularly necessary .

  27. 避免战争和冲突自然名列首位,不论是在朝鲜核问题和伊朗核问题上的合作,还是使在台湾海峡发生冲突的几率降至最低的互信建设。

    Avoiding war and conflict , naturally , comes top of the list , whether by co-operation over North Korean and Iranian nukes or by building the trust that minimises the odds of a clash in the Taiwan strait .

  28. 朝鲜半岛核问题与中国应对策略

    The Nuclear Problem of the Korea Peninsula and Replying Strategy of China

  29. 朝鲜半岛核问题与新世纪中国外交

    The Korean Nuclear Issue vs China 's Diplomacy in the New Century

  30. 答:我们在朝鲜半岛核问题的立场是一贯的,明确的。

    A : Our position on the Korean Peninsular nuclear issue is consistent and explicit .