
  • Chaoyang District;BEIJING;CBD
  1. 2012年底开业的四季酒店(FourSeasonsHotel)位于朝阳区的中心地带,有313间客房。

    The Four Seasons Hotel opened in late 2012 , a 313-room property in the central Chaoyang District .

  2. 北京市朝阳区2005~2008年性病门诊HIV感染状况调查

    Survey of HIV infection in STD outpatients in Chaoyang District , Beijing in 2005 ~ 2008

  3. 新CCTV大厦位于朝阳区东三环中路32号

    New CCTV building , No.32 , Middle Road , East Third Ring , Chaoyang District

  4. 根据历史数据及利用MATLAB软件的神经网络工具箱对2007年该区电力负荷需求预测值,分别对北京市朝阳区用电市场现状、各行业用电特点及发展趋势进行了分析。

    Based on the historical data and the load forecasting of 2006 in Chaoyang District with the software MATLAB , the power market status , the characteristics , and trends of every calling respectively are analyzed .

  5. 李芊惠说他们明年计划将调查范围扩大到朝阳区的麦子店和CBD,海淀区的五道口。

    Li said they will survey Maizidian and the CBD , both in Chaoyang district , and Wudaokou , in Haidian district , next year .

  6. 聚贵苑办公地点坐落于北京市朝阳区CBD核心地段京广中心。

    The office of A G M ( Aristocrat Garden of Matchmaking ) is located at Jingguang Centre in the CBD core of Beijing Chaoyang District .

  7. 北京柏悦酒店(ParkHyatt)正好赶在2008年奥运会开幕前开业,有246间客房,位于北京市东北部的朝阳区。

    And just in time for the 2008 Summer Games , the Park Hyatt , with 246 rooms , opened in the Chaoyang District in the northeast part of town .

  8. 目的分析北京市朝阳区11年性传播疾病(STD)的流行趋势及特点,为制定有效的防治对策提供科学依据。方法以1993~2003年8种法定报告STD疫情资料为依据,进行流行病学分析。

    Objective To investigate and analyze prevalence trend and characteristic of sexually transmitted disease ( STD ) from 1993 to 2003 in Chaoyang district and to provide scientific basis for effective prevention strategy .

  9. 结合北京市朝阳区嘉丽花园住宅楼的基坑支护工程,详细介绍了基坑、降水井、锚杆和CFG桩复合地基这一基坑支护方案的设计。

    Combining with the foundation pit supporting project for Jiali garden building in Chao-yang district of Beijing city , the design of this foundation pit construction composed of pit 、 dewatering well 、 anchor and CFG pile composite foundation was expressed .

  10. 他还竭力避开外国人扎堆居住的区域:外国侨民爱逛位于朝阳区的三里屯(Sanlitun),这儿以喧嚣热闹、但鱼目混珠的酒吧街出名。

    He is also keen to avoid living where many foreigners flock : the expat haunt Sanlitun , an area in the Chaoyang district , renowned for its vibrant , but gritty , bar street .

  11. 2014年开业的瑰丽酒店(Rosewood)也在朝阳区,对面就是位于商务区的标志性建筑、由荷兰建筑师雷姆·库哈斯(RemKoolhass)设计的中央电视台新大楼,这是这家洛杉矶酒店连锁集团首次在亚洲开店。

    After that came the Rosewood , across the street from the iconic CCTV Tower that was designed by the Dutch architect Rem Koolhass in the city 's business district , also in Chaoyang . The hotel opened in 2014 , and marked the Asia debut of the Los-Angeles based chain .

  12. 朝阳区最IN的时尚飨宴在哪里?

    Where is the trendiest fashion hub in the Chaoyang District ?

  13. 北京市朝阳区城市生活垃圾组分分布特性研究

    Distribution characters of municipal solid waste in Chaoyang District of Beijing

  14. 北京市朝阳区食品污染物监测状况分析

    Analysis on Surveillance of Food Pollutant in Chaoyang District of Beijing

  15. 朝阳区地下水资源管理的现状与对策

    Current situation and strategy of groundwater resources management in Chaoyang District

  16. 北京市朝阳区现代制造业发展构架探讨

    Analysis of Modern Manufactures Conformation in Chaoyang Borough of Beijing

  17. 朝阳区托幼机构消毒隔离工作现状调查与分析

    Analysis on status of disinfection and isolation in kindergartens in Chaoyang District

  18. 北京市朝阳区构建垃圾管理长效机制

    Establishing Mechanism of Garbage Management of Chaoyang District , Beijing

  19. 北京市朝阳区多目标水量优化配置模型

    Multi-objective Water Resource Optimal Allocation Model at Chaoyang District , Beijing City

  20. 北京市朝阳区农业灌溉与中水利用

    Agriculture Irrigation and Utilization of Intermediate Water in Chaoyang District , Beijing

  21. 北京朝阳区1997~1999年出生缺陷监测

    Birth defects in Chaoyang District , Beijing , in 1997 - 1999

  22. 北京市朝阳区工人体育场西门内88号楼;

    NO.88 inside worker 's stadium west gate , Chaoyang District Beijing .

  23. 2004-2008年北京市朝阳区细菌性痢疾的流行病学分析

    Epidemiology of shigellosis in Chaoyang District , Beijing , 2004-2008

  24. 北京市朝阳区公众结核病知识知晓情况调查分析

    Survey of Tuberculosis Knowledge among the Public in Chaoyang District , Beijing

  25. 我的地址是长春市朝阳区南湖路20号。

    My address is No.20 Nanhu Road , Chaoyang District , Changchun .

  26. 朝阳区民政局办公用房改和扩建工程

    Renovation and Extension of Office Building for Chaoyang Civil Affairs Bureau of Beijing

  27. 据说,朝阳区是一个假啤酒生产基地。

    They said Chaoyang is known as a base of fake beer makers .

  28. 北京朝阳区法院对此案以故意伤害罪定性。

    The court in Beijing condemned the man of wilful and malicious injury .

  29. 北京市朝阳区出生缺陷监测管理情况分析

    Analysis on monitoring and management of birth defects in Chaoyang District , Beijing

  30. 我住在北京市朝阳区朝外大街22号608室。

    I live at22 Chaowai Street , Apt.608 , Chaoyang District , Beijing .