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zhāo xiá
  • Zhaoxia;morning glow;sunrise;rosy dawn;rosy clouds of dawn
朝霞 [zhāo xiá]
  • [rosy clouds of dawn] 太阳升起时东方的云霞

  • 漱正阳而含朝霞。--《楚辞》

  • 朝霞满天

  • 朝霞映湖

朝霞[zhāo xiá]
  1. 春天,树上开满了桃花,远远望去,像一片灿烂的朝霞。

    Spring , peach blossom the trees in full bloom when looking from afar like a glorious morning glow .

  2. 但最后他的心意改变了——一日之晨,与朝霞俱起,在日先前,向日球作如是说:

    But at last his heart changed , -- and rising one morning with the rosy dawn , he went before the sun , and spoke thus to it :

  3. 昨天的朝霞很绚烂。

    There was a spectacular sunrise yesterday .

  4. 朝霞映在湖面上。

    The glory of the dawn [ morning ] is mirrored on [ in ] the lake .

  5. 朝霞投映在平静的湖面上。

    The glory of dawn is mirrored on the still lake .

  6. 朝霞映在阳澄湖上。

    The glory of the morning was mirrored in the lake yangcheng .

  7. 美丽的朝霞,你再次拂过我的心。

    Beautiful dawn , You 're just blowing my mind again .

  8. 朝霞般美好的理想,在向你们召唤。

    Zhaoxia better as an ideal , in the call to you .

  9. 清晨到来了,从窗帘中透进朝霞的红光;

    Morning came , and peeped , blushing , through the curtains ;

  10. 玫瑰色的红光依然象天上的朝霞一样绚丽。

    The rosy light yet beamed like a celestial dawn .

  11. 似朝霞中翱翔的幼鹰。

    As a young eagle soars the morning clouds among .

  12. 美丽的朝霞,我正在与时间追逐。

    Beautiful dawn , I 'm just chasing time again .

  13. 在朝霞和黄昏之间&论人的主体性在知识经济时代的走向

    Between Dawn and Dusk & On Human Subjectivism Tendency in Knowledge Economy Age

  14. 无论是朝霞灿烂的早晨,还是炊烟袅袅的黄昏;

    Zhaoxia both bright morning or evening Madadayo smoke ;

  15. 有棕榈树的小岛生如夏日朝霞般瑰丽!

    Born as rosy and magnificent as summer sunglow !

  16. 邮轮、朝霞、薄雾、大海和您溶为一体。

    Cruise , alpenglow , mist , adding to the sea and your integration .

  17. 我们沿着小路走着,欣赏着朝霞。

    We walked along the path , enjoying the glow of the rising sun .

  18. 对河的丛树耸立在四周围,被乳白的朝霞衬得非常鲜明。

    Bushes across the river stood round and bright-coloured out of a milky haze .

  19. 他站在朝霞里,眼中却带着夕阳的忧伤。

    He stood in the sunrise , with eyes full of sorrow of the sunset .

  20. 明天依然会有朝霞。

    Tomorrow there will be still Asaka .

  21. 阿拉斯加的朝霞。

    Alaska 's rosy-colored clouds at dawn .

  22. 我敢发誓,七月的晨空布满了玫瑰色的朝霞,就仿佛是上天羞红了脸。

    I swear , those July morning skies are so rosy * like heaven is blushing .

  23. 她满脸象朝霞一样的通红,浑身上下有一种玫瑰色的光彩。

    She was flushed like the dawn , with a kind of luminous rosiness all about her .

  24. 时间会改变很多,朝霞成为余晖,嫩绿成为枯黄,婴儿成为衰朽

    Time will change many things , sunglow turns into sunset glow , light green turns dark yellow and baby the eld

  25. 通过图片编辑软件的修饰后,天空变得映满了朝霞并且太阳呈现出不寻常的光晕。

    Enhanced with photo-editing software , the sky became a deep red and the sun took on a more distinct halo .

  26. 朝霞里,庄园的喷泉似乎变成了血,石像的脸染成了猩红。

    In the glow , the water of the chateau fountain seemed to turn to blood , and the stone faces crimsoned .

  27. 他似乎很难将这两者融合起来,尽管他说他看到了黄昏之后的朝霞,但那是一种连他自己也不敢相信的希望而已。

    Although he said he had seen the rosy dawn after the dusk , it was the hope which he dared not believe himself .

  28. 鲜红的朝霞照亮了她的脸。清晨到来了,从窗帘中透进朝霞的红光;

    The blood - red light of dawn flared on her face . morning came , and peeped , blushing , through the curtains ;

  29. 赵之珩提醒公众,这一天象比较短暂,随着天色放亮,月亮与三星会相继湮没在灿烂的朝霞之中。

    Zhao Heng remind the public , this relatively short-term event , as the weather-bright , the moon and Samsung have lost in the brilliant way zhaoxia .

  30. 朝霞满天时我们出发去登山顶。玫瑰色的红光依然象天上的朝霞一样绚丽。

    With the rosy color of dawn spreading all over the sky , we set out for the mountaintop . The rosy light yet beamed like a celestial dawn .