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  • arrow
  • 用弓发射到远处的兵器:弓~。~镞。~头。~在弦上(喻事情已经到了不得不做或话已经到了不得不说的地步)。

  • 箭能射到的距离:一~之遥。~步。

  • 形容急切、迅速:归心似~。


(古代兵器) arrow:

  • 射箭

    shoot an arrow;

  • 造箭

    make arrows;

  • 他的肩膀被箭射中。

    He was shot in the shoulder with an arrow.

  • 他像箭一般飞快地逃走了。

    He ran away like an arrow.

  1. 箭不偏不斜地朝靶子飞去。

    The arrow flew straight and true to the target .

  2. 他的箭噗的一声射中靶子。

    His arrow thudded into the target .

  3. 他将箭射向林中的一片空地。

    He fired an arrow into a clearing in the forest .

  4. 他们的箭正中靶心。

    Their arrows are dead on target

  5. 要不是重力使箭落向地面,它们将永远以直线往前飞行。

    Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity , which brings them down to earth .

  6. 他的肩膀被箭射中。

    He was shot in the shoulder with an arrow .

  7. 箭穿透靶心。

    The arrow penetrated through the centre of target .

  8. 而今天,丘比特的爱情之箭又射向了他。

    But today Cupid fired another arrow at him .

  9. 一枚炮弹[一支箭]嗖地飞过。

    A shell [ An arrow ] whizzed past .

  10. 一支箭在他头旁飕地飞过。

    An arrow whizzed past his head .

  11. 他张弓搭箭能射落空中的飞鸟。

    He was able to shoot down a flying bird with the bow and arrow .

  12. 他像箭一般飞快地逃走了。

    He ran away like an arrow .

  13. 他仔细瞄准后才把箭射出去。

    He aimed carefully before he let the arrow fly .

  14. 那男孩像箭一样地跑开了。

    The boy darted away like an arrow .

  15. 箭指示移动的方向。

    The arrow indicated the direction of movement .

  16. 他用鸭毛给箭装上箭翎。

    He feathered arrows with duck 's feathers .

  17. 他抽出第二枝箭。

    He discharged his second arrow .

  18. 一支箭把信钉在了墙上。

    The letter was nailed to the wall with an arrow .

  19. 勇敢的猎人拿出了他的箭,并射向这个怪物。

    The brave hunter took out his arrow1 and shot2 the monster .

  20. 慕利延毫不费力地把箭折断了。

    Mu Liyan broke the arrow without any effort .

  21. 各色各状造型的“蛟龙”如箭离弦,顺流而下,欲争群龙首

    Rows of dragons pull downstream , each striving to take the lead .

  22. 猎人只剩一只箭了。

    The hunter only had one arrow left .

  23. 箭无虚发。

    The arrows err not from their aim .

  24. 他被箭击中受伤。

    He was wounded by a shaft .

  25. 然后,他把拿来的箭一一折断,扔在地下。

    Then , he broke the arrows one by one and threw them on the ground .

  26. 当从手臂上拔出箭来时,一股鲜血涌了出来。

    There was a gush of blood as the arrow was pulled out from the arm .

  27. 第一箭没有射中,第二箭也没有射中。

    He missed the target with the first shot3 , and missed again with the second shot .

  28. 一天,阿豺对他的儿子了说:“你们每人给我拿一支箭来。”

    One day A'cai said to them : " Each one of you bring me an arrow . "

  29. 也有人在自夸他的箭,说:“我的箭,没有比这更好的了,好得用不着什么弓了!”

    Another man bragged about his arrow : " There is no arrow better than mine . It doesn 't need any bow ! "

  30. 他们这才明白:弓不能离开箭,箭也离不开弓,两者相辅相成。

    Now they understood : A bow won 't do without an arrow ; nor an arrow without a bow . They complement each other .