
yín wēi
  • despotic power;abuse of power
淫威 [yín wēi]
  • [despotic power;abuse of power] 滥用权威

  • 横施淫威

淫威[yín wēi]
  1. 这家报纸揭露了上层的腐败,他们没有慑于淫威。

    The newspaper exposes corruption in high places without being tamed by their arbitrariness .

  2. 请赐予我力量,使我永不抛弃穷人,也永不屈膝于淫威。

    Giveme the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees beforeinsolent might .

  3. 它是否破坏或拯救你,全在于你是否想与狂风做斗争,或者你是否会屈服于其淫威。

    It all depended on whether you were trying to fight the hurricane & or surrender to its power .

  4. 他挺身直立,气派雄豪,威风凛凛,把个勇猛天神的超人淫威布满了天空。

    Erect , haughty , brilliant , he flaunted abroad in open day the superhuman bestiality of a ferocious archangel .

  5. 在最初的社会形态里,是自然界对人的肆意淫威,人就像牲畜一样服从它的权力;

    In primary societies , nature is capricious to human beings , who like other beasts submit to its power .

  6. 迪士尼公司有“杰佩托”这名字的版权,所以可怜的街头艺人只能屈服于淫威之下啦!

    Disney owns the rights to the name Geppetto , so once again , the poor , starving artist gets screwed !

  7. 孩提时的我,一到过年就兴奋不已,我虽平日生活在我家虎妈的“淫威”下,但过年我就可以收到红包了,可以熬夜了,甚至还有机会收到一年才能吃到一次的糖果了。

    When I was a kid , I was excited during Chinese New Year when I got lai see and I could stay up late . I even had access to candy , a once-a-year treat while living under the roof of my Tiger Mom .