
jiào liàn yuán
  • coach;trainer;instructor
  1. 教练员让了小李五个球。

    The coach conceded Xiao Li five points .

  2. 教练员不得不让扭伤脚踝的球星暂不上场比赛。

    The coach had to keep his star player on the bench with a sprained ankle .

  3. 飞机由教练员驾驶。

    The plane was piloted by the instructor .

  4. 他当时师从埃迪·富齐学当拳击教练员。

    He was able to serve his apprenticeship as a trainer with Eddie Futch .

  5. 亚足联C级足球教练员岗位培训教法探讨

    Study on Teaching Method for Post Training Class C Coach of Asian Football Association

  6. CUBA篮球教练员与球队凝聚力关系研究

    Research Into the Recognition Between CUBA Coaches and Team Cohesion

  7. 基于PDA的仿真机教练员站功能调度研究

    Function Transfer Study on PDA-Based Simulator Instructor Station

  8. 专业教练员到CUBS和CUBA任教已成为教练员流动的新趋势,是体育回归教育的雏形。

    It has become a new trend that professional coaches coach in CUBS and CUBA , and this is the rudiment of sports returning to education .

  9. 问卷Ⅱ(教练员调查问卷)旨在反映CCC各车队主教练的情况和车队的相关情况。

    Questionnaire II ( survey of coach ) to make reflection the coach and the information of CCC team training , management and fund .

  10. 积极推荐江苏省符合条件的网球教练员参加ATP大师赛和中国网球公开赛比赛工作和业务培训;积极引进网球人才,丰富网球教练员的培养机制。

    Positive recommendation in Jiangsu Province eligible to participate in ATP Masters tennis coaches and the China Open Competition and operational training ; actively introduce tennis professionals , rich tennis coach training system .

  11. 2008年国奥队适龄球队(U-17、U-15)教练员现状调查及对策研究

    Present Situation of 2008 China Olympic Football Team Coachs of Right age Team And Research On Measure

  12. 本文对CUBA教练员的基本情况、素质情况、训练情况、工作困惑情况等方面进行广泛深入的调查与分析,并提出与之相应的发展对策。

    By means of questionnaire survey , statistics etc , this thesis gave a deep research on the basic status , quality of the CUBA coaches as well as the difficulties they meet in their work , and also put forward some corresponding countermeasures to certain problems .

  13. 现代竞技排球运动教练员应具备的素质与能力

    On the Essential Accomplishments and Abilities of Modern Athletic Volleyball Coach

  14. 国家乒乓球教练员团队管理行为特征的心理学探究

    Study of Chinese table tennis team coach group management behavior characteristics

  15. 篮球运动员临场心理躁动与教练员的心理调控

    Basketball players ' on-the-spot anxiety and the coaches ' psychological control

  16. 教练员的领导行为与方式分析

    The Analysis Of The Leading Conduct And Form Of The Coach

  17. 对沈阳、大连市青少年足球教练员队伍现状的调查研究

    Research on Juvenile Football Coach Basic Circs in Shenyang and Dalian

  18. 教练员要有善于与人沟通的能力。

    A coach should be able to communicate easily with others .

  19. 健身操教练员的专业素养和教学方法的探讨

    Discussion on Professional Knowledge and Teaching Methods of Body-building Exercises Coach

  20. 在师资配备方面,教练员的结构比较合理,师资较强。

    On teachers , coaches , reasonable structure , strong teachers .

  21. 黑龙江省夏季运动项目教练员队伍现状调查分析

    The Current Situation Investigation of Summer Events Coaches in Heilongjiang Province

  22. 竞技教练员综合素质的核心是创新。

    The core factor to be a competitive athletic coach is innovation .

  23. 我国职业排球俱乐部教练员现状调查

    Survey on Coaches from the Professional Volleyball Clubs in China

  24. 我国优秀青少年男子足球队教练员领导行为的研究

    A Research on the Coaches'Leadership Behaviors of Chinese First-rate Teen-aged Soccer Teams

  25. 优秀体操教练员人才素质的构成要素

    The Components Elements of People 's Quality for A Excellent Gymnastic Coach

  26. 教练员高脂血症的环境因素与遗传因素分析

    Effective of Environment and Genetic Factors on Hyperlipidemia in Coaches

  27. 运动员期望教练员领导行为方式与实际认知之间存在较大差距;

    There existed big difference between coach leading behavior and actual cognition .

  28. 运动员对教练员的印象形成模式和影响因素

    The Formation Pattern and Influence Factor of Athlete 's Impression to Trainer

  29. 在前人研究的基础上,从实践的角度为教练员正确处理自我设限问题提供了建议。

    Suggestions are provided for coaches to deal with self-handicapping in sport .

  30. 篮球教练员与运动员之间认知方式的相互作用对训练效果的影响

    Effects on Cognitive Correlation Training between Basketball Coaches and Players