
jiào huì
  • church;mission;communion
教会 [jiào huì]
  • [church;mission] 基督教各教派的信徒组织

教会[jiào huì]
  1. 教会日益和反对政权的势力走到一起。

    The Church became increasingly identified with opposition to the regime .

  2. 教会需要寻找新途径来为年轻人提供帮助。

    The church needs to find new ways of reaching out to young people .

  3. 我父亲教会了我骑自行车。

    My father taught me how to ride a bike .

  4. 她教会了我换轮胎。

    She taught me how to change a tyre .

  5. 他们中有很多人在早年就被教会了吸毒。

    Many of them had been initiated into drug use at an early age .

  6. 兄弟教会成员定期聚集祈祷。

    The Brethren meet regularly for prayer .

  7. 教会在世俗事务上只能做这么多。

    The church can only go so far in secular matters .

  8. 别人给娜奥米一匹小型马并教会她如何侧骑马。

    Naomi was given a pony and taught to ride side-saddle .

  9. 科普特教会是最古老的基督教会之一。

    The Coptic Church is among the oldest churches of Christianity .

  10. 教会似乎处于分裂的边缘。

    The church seems to be on the brink of schism .

  11. 她是当地教区教会委员会的秘书。

    She was a secretary on the local parochial church council .

  12. 他们亵渎了教会长期以来的传统。

    They have profaned the long upheld traditions of the Church .

  13. 教会与俗众越来越积极参与慈善工作。

    The Church and the laity were increasingly active in charity work

  14. 我的雄心是在教会中一步一步往上走。

    My ambition was to travel upwards in the ecclesiastical hierarchy .

  15. 我在任何一个新教教会都不是特别自在。

    I am not completely at home in any Protestant Church .

  16. 总统常常认为教会属于落伍之物。

    The President tended to regard the Church as an anachronism .

  17. 这些学校曾一度归教会主管。

    At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church .

  18. 她上的是教会学校,每天都去做弥撒。

    She attended a convent school and went to Mass each day .

  19. 教会总会应该投票让女性担任教士吗?

    Should the General Synod vote women into the priesthood ?

  20. 该教会的管理机构投票通过接纳女性为牧师。

    The church 's ruling body voted to ordain women as priests .

  21. 加入教会青年团契促使她形成了自己的政治观点。

    Membership in her church youth group helped develop her political ideas .

  22. 他领受了坚振礼,成为英国国教会的一员。

    He was confirmed as a member of the Church of England .

  23. 他对教会中日益增强的自由主义倾向心存忧虑。

    He was concerned over growing liberalism in the Church .

  24. 他现在是乡村教会的长老。

    He is now an elder of the village church .

  25. 堪萨斯城地区的教会为此事捐助了35,000美元。

    Kansas City area churches kicked in $ 35,000 to support the event

  26. 女牧师被指责分裂教会。

    Women priests are accused of splitting the church .

  27. 废除该教会的国教制是正确的。

    It would be right to disestablish the church .

  28. 乔治已经教会了他骑马。

    George had taught him how to ride a horse

  29. 教会想就如何把自由与责任结合起来发表一下意见。

    The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility

  30. 1766年,他以“堕落地享乐”为由将那个村庄逐出教会。

    In 1766 he excommunicated the village for its ' depraved diversion . '