
  • 网络Florentine Republic;republic of Florence
  1. 佛罗伦萨共和国是中世纪意大利最重要的城市国家之一,曾长期位居中意大利霸主地位。

    The Republic of Florence was one of the most important city-states of Italy in the Middle Ages and ranked hegemony long-term in the central Italy .

  2. 嫁妆基金是15-16世纪佛罗伦萨共和国实行的一种募集婚嫁费用和解决财政困难的手段。

    Dowry fund was a method which was used to collect dowry funds and settle finance difficulties in Florence Public during 15th and 16th century .

  3. 12世纪后期,佛罗伦萨建立共和国,宪政制度由此进入了蓬勃发展阶段。

    The late 12th century , the establishment of the Republic of Florence , the constitutional system entered a phase of vigorous development .