
fó xiàng
  • figure of the Buddha;image of the Buddha;figure of Buddha;Buddha
佛像 [fó xiàng]
  • [figure of Buddha] 释迦牟尼佛的塑像

佛像[fó xiàng]
  1. 婴儿大一点后,可能会给他/她戴上黑色的手镯、护符或佛像,人们认为这些东西可以保佑婴儿。

    When a little older , the baby may be fitted with a black bracelet , talisman or image of the Buddha which iS thought io ensure his / her well being .

  2. 那老太太在佛像面前顶礼膜拜。

    The old lady fell down in adoration before Buddhist images .

  3. 为了图吉利他一直保存着这尊佛像。

    He has kept the figure of Buddha for luck .

  4. 几个妇女跪在佛像前祈祷。

    Several women knelt down before the statue of Buddha and prayed .

  5. 他们在佛像面前下跪。

    They knelt before the image of Buddha .

  6. 中国当代雕刻工艺师沈为众雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻。这个象牙佛像只有一粒米的五分之四大。

    The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong , a contemporary Chinese sculptor , is the world 's smallest piece of sculpture , its size being just four-fifths that of a grain of rice .

  7. 中国四川的乐山大佛是世界上最大的佛像雕刻。它高达71米,修建于唐代。

    The Giant Stone Buddha at Leshan Mountain in Sichuan Province of China , carved in the Tang Dynasty ( 618 A.D. - 907 A.D. ), is 71 metres high , making it the largest statue of Buddha in the world .

  8. 过了好些年,尼姑带着佛像来到乡间一座小庵落户。庵里供着许多佛,每尊佛像都有自己的龛位。

    Years passed and , still carrying her buddha , the nun came to live in a small temple in a country where there were many buddhas , each one with its own particular shrine .

  9. 在斯里兰卡,对佛像和佛教文物不敬是绝对的禁忌。

    Mistreatment of Buddhist15 images and artefacts is strictly16 taboo17 in Sri Lanka .

  10. 于是,和尚动手把佛像搬到了老君像的左边。

    So the monk moved the Buddhist9 idol to the left of the Taoist idol .

  11. 于是,道士立刻动手把老君像搬到了佛像的左边。

    So the Taoist priest moved the Taoist idol to the left of the Buddhist idol at once .

  12. 自拍时,你会背向佛像,这被视为不敬,因此你不能在佛像前自拍。

    And when you are taking a selfie , you stand with your back turned to Buddha , which is considered disrespectful , so you shouldn ’ t take selfies in front of it .

  13. 不久,来了个道士,看见这种情形很是气恼,说:“我们道教至高无上,怎么能让老君像屈居在佛像的右边呢?”

    Shortly afterwards , there came a Taoist priest . When he saw the situation , he felt offended and said : " Our Taoist doctrine10 is the highest and unsurpassed . How can we condescend to allow the Taoist idol to be placed on the right of the Buddhist idol ? "

  14. 其中一段是3D影像,在一个穹顶结构墙面上放映,可以让游客立体观看六座洞窟内的景象,其中一个洞窟里有一座高达85英尺(约合26米)的坐佛像。

    One of the films , in 3-D , is projected on the inside of a dome that brings the viewer into six caves , including one with an 85-foot-high sitting Buddha .

  15. 酒店内陈列各种艺术品和古董,包括镀金的佛像和中国的漆柜,此外还有一个雅致的画廊。该酒店同时还附带两个游泳池,一个小型水疗SPA和一个美味诱人的餐厅。

    Art and antiques , including gilded Buddhas and Chinese lacquered cabinets , add a touch of gallery chic . The hotel also has two pools , a small spa and a tempting restaurant .

  16. Buddha,Kamakura佛像,镰仓这座1252年的铜制佛像位于日本镰仓,高44英尺,重100吨。

    This bronze statue of the Great Buddha was cast in the year 1252 and is located in Kamakura , Japan . It is 44 feet high and weighs 100 tons .

  17. 后来,为了弄到古老的佛像,Aidan带领的远征队伍恰好来到了老虎一家栖息的古庙。

    Within time Aidan is leading an expedition to the very area where the tiger family is settled in order to retrieve some of the Buddhist statues that inhabit the temple inhabited by the tigers .

  18. 我最喜欢“小佛陀展厅”,这绝非偶然。那个展厅的中心是中国设计师郭培设计的一件巨大的金色连衣裙,周围是很多陶制佛像。蕾哈娜(Rihanna)在大都会艺术博物馆慈善晚宴开场穿的煎饼裙就是郭培设计的。

    It 's no accident my favorite room is the " small Buddha room , " which features an enormous gold dress by Guo Pei , the Chinese designer who made Rihanna 's yellow egg-yolk cape for the opening gala , surrounded by multiple earthen Buddhas .

  19. Yagihara的公司制造过各种橡胶面具,不仅包括政界名流,还有卡通人物、相扑高手以及青铜佛像的面具。

    Yagihara 's studio has created a variety of rubber masks , not only those of politicians but also the faces of cartoon characters and sumo wrestlers as well as the head of a bronze Buddha statue .

  20. 有些佛像雕刻精美,尺寸巨大。

    Some are intricate , immaculately carved , big and grand .

  21. 这里,佛像主要指的是人们视觉可视的雕塑或者描画的佛的形象。

    Buddhist statue is the visual sculpture or the depictive image .

  22. 如果我们伤害了佛像,你也会这么说?

    If we damaged buddha , would you say the same ?

  23. 青州佛像风格与印度笈多艺术

    The Style of Qingzhou Boddha Images and Indian Kato Art

  24. 同时佛像造像的艺术也促进了中国雕塑艺术的发展。

    Buddha Statues in art while promoting the development of Chinese sculpture .

  25. 四川钱树和长江中下游部分器物上的佛像&中国南方发现的早期佛像札记

    Some Notes on the Early Buddhist Pictures Found in South of China

  26. 印度佛像初传中国的阶段性与各阶段的传承性

    Stages and Their Succession of Indian Buddha Images ' Arrival in China

  27. 佛像和菩萨雕塑供奉在寺院里,让人们拜祭。

    Buddhas and Bodhisattva statues have been placed for worship in monasteries .

  28. 雕塑的佛像和绘制的壁画,显得不够细腻。

    Sculpture statues and painted murals is not very refinement .

  29. 关于徐家寨村石刻佛像的民族学解读

    About Xu Village Carved Stone Image of Buddha Ethnology Explanation

  30. 去一家僧院看什么佛像。

    On his way to see some Buddhist statue at some monastery .