
shū jí
  • books;works;literature
书籍 [shū jí]
  • [books] 装订成册的著作的总称

  • 军事书籍

  • 板印书籍,唐人尚未盛为之。-- 宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈.活板》

书籍[shū jí]
  1. 获胜者将得到价值十英镑的书籍。

    The winner will receive ten pounds ' worth of books .

  2. 这里全都是旧玩具、书籍,以及诸如此类的东西。

    It 's full of old toys , books and what not .

  3. 他有特别喜爱的哪一类书籍吗?

    Is there a particular type of book he enjoys ?

  4. 我们还没找到存放全部书籍的地方。

    We haven 't found a home for all our books yet .

  5. 我们的大部分书籍也制成光盘发行。

    Most of our titles are also published on CD-ROM.

  6. 房间里有一股长期不用和霉烂书籍的味道。

    The room smelt of disuse and mouldering books .

  7. 已经有无数书籍写过这个主题。

    Innumerable books have been written on the subject .

  8. 我喜欢这些种类的书籍。

    I love these types of books .

  9. 认为电视会扼杀书籍的悲观预言家完全错了。

    The prophets of doom who said television would kill off the book were wrong .

  10. 这些书籍已按专题进行了分类。

    The books have been grouped thematically .

  11. 美术书籍制作成本高。

    Art books are expensive to produce .

  12. 我喜欢这类书籍。

    I love this type of book .

  13. 我爱读这些种类的书籍。

    I love these type of books .

  14. 我可不愿意活到那一天,看着计算机最终取代书籍。

    I hope I never live to see the day when computers finally replace books .

  15. 书籍供应短缺。

    Books were in short supply .

  16. 我青少年时期的大部分时间都用来阅读控制饮食的书籍了。

    I spent most of my teen years reading diet books .

  17. 要求学生把书籍与作者对应起来。

    The students are asked to match the books with the authors

  18. 他的书桌上有大堆的书籍和文件。

    On his desk is a mass of books and papers .

  19. 我负责照管他们收藏的书籍和手稿。

    I had the oversight of their collection of books and manuscripts

  20. 理查德告诉过我16世纪的三卷关于炼金术的对开本书籍的事。

    Richard told me of three 16th-century folio volumes on alchemy .

  21. 这几面墙会摆放书籍和期刊。

    The walls would be lined with books and periodicals .

  22. 你是不是收藏了大量的书籍、报纸和纪念品?

    Do you keep many books and papers and memorabilia ?

  23. 新的饮食类书籍差不多一周出一本。

    New diet books appear at a rate of nearly one a week

  24. 所有书籍都用布条捆扎了起来。

    The books were all tied up with tape .

  25. 几乎所有关于婴儿护理的书籍中内容最多的一章都是喂养。

    The longest chapter in almost any book on baby care is on feeding

  26. 业余时间里她看一些烹饪方面的书籍。

    In her spare time she read books on cooking

  27. 有了地质图、书籍和地图册,你便可以找到所有已探明的珍贵矿藏的位置。

    With geological maps , books and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals .

  28. 她的客厅也是她的办公室,里面摆满了书桌、书籍和文件,充分证明了她的敬业精神。

    Her living room is also her office , filled with desks , books , papers , a testimony to her dedication to her work .

  29. 她阅读的书籍涉及诸多学科。

    Her reading covers a wide range of subjects .

  30. 书籍整整齐齐地摆成几排。

    The books are arranged in orderly rows .