
shū shāng
  • bookseller;bookman
书商[shū shāng]
  1. 这给大学图书馆和书商的合作创造了良好的外部条件。

    This produces the well external term to the university library to work together with the bookman .

  2. 图书馆信息资源建设新举措&书商主动配送图书采购法剖析

    New Measures for the Construction of Library 's Information Resources & Analysis on the Acquisitioning Method of " Sending the Book by the Bookman Actively "

  3. 这本书定于9月10号发行,但是一些书商已抢先一步,决定提前销售。

    It wasn 't due to be released until September 10 , but some booksellers have jumped the gun and decided to sell it early .

  4. 她已创业成为书商。

    She has set up in business as a bookseller .

  5. 所有的书商都出售这种书。

    This kind of books is sold by all booksellers .

  6. 充公被视为对国阵不利的书籍,威胁书商。

    Intimidate book sellers by confiscating books deemed unfavourable to the Barisan government .

  7. 如今一项调查确认,书商所说的这种“展厅现象”并不是他们臆想出来的。

    Now a survey has confirmed that the practice , known among booksellers as showrooming , is not a figment of their imaginations .

  8. 伍尔芙写道,翻看二手书让你有机会邂逅那些图书管理员和书商没有注意到的书,他们在选择书目时通常都比二手书店老板挑剔得多。

    According to Woolf , browsing through used books gives you the chance to stumble upon something that wouldn 't have risen to the attention of librarians and booksellers , who are often much more selective in curating their collections than secondhand bookstore owners . 4 .

  9. 希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton),这位书商的宠儿在2016年承担的最重要的工作是当祖母。

    The bookmakers " favourite to take the world 's biggest job in 2016 , Hillary Clinton , is a grandmother .

  10. 据香港凤凰卫视(PhoenixTV)的视频资料和中文媒体澎湃(ThePaper)报道,四名香港书商已承认向中国内地走私批判性政治图书。这四名书商于去年失踪,随后现身内地警方看守所。

    Four of the Hong Kong booksellers who vanished last year before reappearing in mainland police custody have admitted to smuggling critical political works into China , according to videotaped confessions and a Chinese news report .

  11. PLR制度的实施涉及到作者、出版商、书商、图书馆和读者等不同群体的利益。

    The implementation of PLRS involves various interests groups such as copyright owners , booksellers , libraries and readers .

  12. 或许是不愿意在年末看到亚马逊(Amazon)凭借KindleFire平板电脑独领风骚,美国连锁书商巴诺(Barnes&Noble)也不甘寂寞地推出了Nook平板,同时也是它去年推出的NookColor平板的升级版。

    Not content to let Amazon hog the spotlight this holiday with the kindle fire , Barnes & Noble unveiled the nook tablet , a hardware update to the nook color , launched last year .

  13. 于是当苹果公司(在2010年推出ipad)为他们推出“代理模式”(即由出版商和书商来定零售价并给零售商一个固定的折扣)时,他们感到非常高兴。

    They were therefore delighted when apple , on launching the iPad in 2010 , offered them an " agency model " , whereby they set the retail prices and give the retailer a fixed cut .

  14. 该展览将展出贾斯汀·G·希勒(JustinG.Schiller)收集的书籍和宣传材料,他是一位古董书商,与合作伙伴丹尼斯·M·V·大卫(DennisM.V.David)共同在纽约州金斯顿经营“板羽球”有限公司。

    The exhibition puts on display books and propaganda material from the collection of Justin G. Schiller , an antiquarian book seller who , with his partner , Dennis M. V. David , runs Battledore Ltd. in Kingston , N.Y.

  15. 非利普•布瑞斯是ArundelBooks的行政长官,这家电子商务公司在网上和西雅图的书店里出售图书。他说他不相信这些“约定俗成的共识”会扩展到像他一样的小书商那里。

    Philip Bevis , chief executive of Arundel Books , which sells online and in its Seattle store , said he did not believe such customized agreements would extend to small booksellers like him .

  16. 为支持匹诺的发展,业内新贵ZNP给玩具制造商和书商们发放了许可证。

    To bankroll5 it 's development , upstart6 ZNP licenses Pino to toy makers and book publishers .

  17. 如果这本书需要能够被书商或是图书馆分类,它还需要一个独一无二的数字代码,例如ISBN(国际标准图书号)。

    If you want the book to be categorized , either by a bookseller or a library , it has to be assigned a unique numerical code , like an ISBN , for International Standard Book Number .

  18. 在《查令十字街84号》(84CharingCrossRoad)中,海莲·汉芙(HeleneHanff)向英文名著与书商致敬时写道,她曾告诉朋友如果去英国,她将会寻找英国文学中的英格兰,也就是这个地方。

    In her tribute to English books and booksellers , " 84 Charing Cross Road , " Helene Hanff writes of telling a friend that if she ever goes to England , she 'll go looking for the England of English literature , to which he replies , " It 's there . "

  19. 日本书商盛冈三行(YoshiyukiMorioka)想出一个不同寻常的创意:他在奢侈品店林立的东京银座(Ginza)开了家小书店,且一周只卖一种书。

    Japanese bookseller Yoshiyuki Morioka has come up with a highly unusual concept for a bookstore - he sells one book at a time in a tiny shop located in Ginza , Tokyo 's luxury shopping district .

  20. 图书馆与书商的电子采访合作探析

    Exploration into the Electronic Acquisition Cooperation between Libraries and Book Dealer

  21. 因此,准确地评价与合适地选择供书商显得非常重要。

    Therefore , it is importance to exactly find suitable booksellers .

  22. 书商:你可以去看看。

    Bookseller : you 've really got to check it out .

  23. 采访业务外包&图书馆与书商关系的选择

    Outsourcing of Library Acquisition & A Choice between Library and Book Dealer

  24. 图书招标后书商供书出现的问题与建议

    The Problems and Suggestions about Providing Books after Public Bidding

  25. 书商:这是一本最畅销的书!

    Bookseller : this one 's a red-hot best seller !

  26. 他说,调查涉及另外四名失踪书商。

    He said the investigation related to the other four missing booksellers .

  27. 我打赌那个死去的书商知情戴安那个钱包在哪

    I bet our deadbook dealer knew.Diana , where 's that wallet ?

  28. 后来,其网上书店发展为其他书商的大卖场。

    Then it also became a marketplace for other booksellers .

  29. 该书商出售契约用纸及其他法定证书用纸。

    The bookseller keeps for sale blank deeds and other legal documents .

  30. 高校图书馆与书商合作之问题研究

    The study of corporation between college library and bookseller