
  • 网络Statement of Work;SoW;Job Description;job specification
  1. 对别人有所帮助,不要仅仅做你工作说明书上的工作。

    Be helpful , and do more than solely what 's in your job description .

  2. 第三章:通过对粮油事业部各岗位进行分析后编写出工作说明书,并以此作为绩效管理体系建立的基本依据。

    In Chapter three , the paper composes the job description for each job position of Grain & Oil Business Unit . The job descriptions are the foundation for the build of performance management system .

  3. 设计方案涉及了工作分析与岗位说明书的编制;

    They are as follows : job analyse and post manual ;

  4. 思维导图就是一幅幅帮助你了解并掌握大脑工作原理的使用说明书。

    Mind Mapping is a instructions to help you understand and master the principle of how the brain works .

  5. 从前期准备、总公司部门职能分析、关键绩效指标和部门关键流程的重新确定,以及工作分析与工作说明书的优化等工作流程,确保此研究的实用性、有效性和科学性。

    From the preparation , the analysis of functional departments in headquarters , key performance indicators and re-establishment of key processes for departments , and job analysis and the optimization of job description , to ensure the practicality , effectiveness and science of this research .

  6. 更重要的是提出360度工作分析法并用此法对公司工作分析进行了再分析,完善修正了原工作说明书。

    A more important contribution of the writer is the introduction of 360-degree Job Analysis Method and the application of this method in the Job Analysis to perfect the original job instructions .

  7. 本文针对该公司的具体情况,设计了该公司的工作分析方案。内容包括:工作分析的指导思想、工作分析项目、工作分析程序、工作分析方法、工作说明书编制等等。

    It works out the work analysis plan in allusion to the concrete complexion of the company which includes : the guidance thought of work analysis , project of work analysis , procedure of work analysis , method of work analysis and the compiling of work analysis scheme , etc.