
ɡōnɡ zuò rèn wù
  • Work tasks;work assignment
  1. 这使我不知道你的问题将源于同事甚至下属,或从一个工作任务是出了错。

    This makes me wonder if your problem will stem from a co-worker or even a subordinate , or from a work assignment that has gone awry .

  2. 约翰似乎不费吹灰之力就完成了很多工作任务。

    John seems to breeze effortlessly through his many commitments at work .

  3. 把研究与市场运作紧密结合起来将成为弗劳德先生的工作任务。

    Meshing the research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud 's job .

  4. 这就是我们对工作任务的看法,以及下一阶段我们工作的实质与内容。

    This is how we see our tasks , and the substance and content of our work for the forthcoming period .

  5. 最有效的平台是将员工乏味的工作任务转变为有趣的冒险经历。

    The platforms that are most effective turn employees ' ordinary job tasks into part of a rich adventure narrative .

  6. 应对“闷爆”有一些权宜之计,比如承担自己更感兴趣的工作任务。

    There are some quick fixes , like taking on work tasks that are more interesting to you .

  7. 离期限越近,完成工作任务的动力就越足。

    The closer you get to a deadline the more motivated you are to complete the assigned work .

  8. “分批处理”指的是将类似的工作任务分批结合,之后统一处理同一类型任务的简便方式。

    Batch1 tasking is the simple process of combining similar tasks into batches2 and then performing all the tasks in a batch in one sitting .

  9. 珍妮就像办公室里的软面行李箱一样,大部分的工作任务都由她接手,而且她都能处理好。

    For example : Jenny is like a soft-sided luggage in the office . She is taking most of the assignments and can always handle them properly .

  10. 外卖平台要建立以工作任务、劳动强度相匹配的收入分配机制,劳动者的劳动报酬不低于当地最低工资标准。

    Food delivery platforms must establish an income distribution system based on orders the delivery workers take and the intensity of their work . The food delivery workers ' income should not be less than the locality 's lowest wage standard .

  11. Lotusnotes在工作任务管理系统开发中的应用

    Application of lotus notes ' techniques in the development of job management system

  12. 移动Agent作为新一代网络分布处理技术,能在网络上任意移动,自动执行使用者所设计和赋予的工作任务。

    Mobile Agent which is as the new generation network distribution processing technology can move randomly in the network , and can execute the task which is designed by user .

  13. 履行pms中描述的各项工作任务,且保证及时筹备核查pse检验单上全部任务。

    Fulfill the work-packages described in PMS and ensure that all tasks checked in the PSE milestone checklist are prepared in time .

  14. 利用Script脚本语言开发数据挖掘的整个过程,从而改善了那些手动的、重复的、耗时的工作任务,有利于在操作界面上实现过程的自动化和处理对象的批量化。

    Uses the Script language to develop the whole process of data mining to improve those manual , repetitive , time consuming tasks , and also help to achieve the automatic process and batching process in the user interface .

  15. 首先,使用占位符为各种需要包含的阶段(工作任务)定义一个新的DataStage并行作业。

    To begin , define a new DataStage parallel job with placeholders for various stages ( work tasks ) that need to be included .

  16. 为了提高网站的访问反应速度,探索以负载平衡技术将多个Tomcat服务器集成共同分担工作任务。

    For the purpose of speeding up the surfing of the website and its giving responses , a load-balance system is exploring for making several Tomcat servers work together to have a job done .

  17. 本文介绍了引信软件安全性的概念,引信软件安全性分析的工作任务,以及故障树(FTA)、Petri网两种常见的软件安全性分析方法。

    In this paper , the concept of the software safety of a fuze and the work tasks of its analysis and two kinds of software safety analysis methods ( Fault Tree Analysis and Petri Nets ) are presented .

  18. Python可以自动多任务处理地理信息,即可以执行一个处理任务,也可以处理多个复杂的工作任务,同时也可以形成一种分析处理模型。

    Python is able to handle geographic information with many tasks automatically . The language may implement one managing task , as well as many sophisticated once , in this way a kind of analysis managing model is taking shape .

  19. 随着3G业务的发展,电信运营商之间的市场竞争日益激烈,在市场拓展的过程中,如何发展新客户和减少老客户的流失是市场营销中重要的工作任务。

    With the development of the 3G services , the competition among the telecom operators becomes increasingly fierce . In the process of the market expansion , how to develop new customers and reduce the loss of the old customers is the most marketing tasks .

  20. 然后以此为基础,调查研究了多家通过CMM认证的软件企业,围绕项目开发每一个阶段的主要工作任务,结合CMM主要关键过程域,对典型案例做了分析。

    Then based on this , we make investigations in many software enterprises that passed CMM , around the main tasks of every stages in the project , combine the key process area of CMM , have made analysis to the typical case .

  21. 通常只需要少量时间就可以找到这样的工作任务。

    It just sometimes takes a little time to find that task .

  22. 力-位置混合控制机器人工作任务描述中的几个问题

    Some Problems in Task Specification of Hybrid Force / Position Control Robots

  23. 部门经理把一星期的工作任务分配给他的下属。

    The department manager apportioned his men the duties for the week .

  24. 管理行为的复杂性&管理者的核心工作任务分析

    Behavior Complexity in Managerial Leadership : Core Managerial Tasks

  25. 那他们如何完成工作任务呢?

    How do they ever get any work done ?

  26. 完成工作任务、实现组织目标,有赖于各个团体之间的协调。

    Fulfilling the tasks and realizing the organizations ' goal depend on intergroup harmonization .

  27. 当前大多数企业对员工的绩效考核只是注重对工作任务的完成情况进行评价,其主要作用是监督、控制。

    The main function was supervising and controlling .

  28. 同一时间只处理两三个工作任务

    Work in very small batches of work-only two to three items at a time

  29. 但我的工作任务一直把我压得喘不过气来。

    Work is really getting me down though .

  30. 您的主要工作任务是为客户提供技术指导及服务。

    Your main task is to deliver a technical advice and service to clients .