
  • 网络Instrumental;Instrumentality
  1. 与他人一起进行健身旅行的工具性支持比单独去健身房更有效。

    The instrumental support of taking on a fitness journey with others proves more effective than going to the gym alone .

  2. 目前,90.2%的在校大学生是网民,他们为获得表意性需要(expressiveneeds)和工具性需要(instrumentalneeds)在网上集合成群体。

    Now 90.2 % of college students are netizens , who assemble in the net to satisfy their expressive needs and instrumental needs .

  3. 创建一个矩形形状与笔的工具性(P)。

    Create a rectangular shape with the Pen Tool ( P ) .

  4. 你可以借鉴这些元素与钢笔工具性(P),但你会发现它更一致和更容易使用毛笔。

    You can draw these elements with the Pen Tool ( P ), but you 'll find it more consistent and easier to use a brush .

  5. 二方对ADL分类因子中工具性日常生活活动量表均有明显改善作用(P0.05)。

    The two formula could evidently improve the instrumental activities of daily living scale of ADL ( P 0.05 ) .

  6. GIS学科的工具性、工程性及横断性等特征促使GIS的应用格局以及社会对GIS专业人才的需求朝着多层次、多元化的方向发展。

    Featuring as the discipline of research tool , project and intersection , GIS science precipitates the stratification and versatility of GIS application and corresponding social demand of GIS professional .

  7. QC人员在目的性工作价值观方面,最重视的是自我成长取向,而在工具性工作价值观方面,最不重视的则是积极取向。

    Self-development is most accounted by QC personnel on aim-oriented work value , whereas enthusiasm is the factor less accounted by them on tools-oriented work value .

  8. 目的:通过对脑卒中患者工具性日常生活活动能力与其主客观记忆能力之间关系的研究,判别影响IADL的记忆功能因素,探讨脑卒中患者主客观记忆能力对IADL的预测价值。

    Objective : To distinguish the memory influenced factors of IADL for the patients with stroke and to explore the prediction value of IADL by subjective and objective memory ability for the patients with stroke .

  9. 公共行政工具性价值和终极性价值的整合与统一

    The Integration of Public Administration 's Instrumental Value and Ultimate Value

  10. 手机媒体发布政府信息的工具性作用分析

    On the Instrumental Role of Mobile Media in Government Information Issuing

  11. 因特网在跨文化交际翻译中的工具性研究

    The Instrumentality of Internet in Translation as a Cross-Cultural Communication Process

  12. 十堰市城区老年人工具性日常生活活动能力及相关因素调查

    Investigation on Instrumental Activities of Urban Community-dwelling Older Adults in Shiyan

  13. 语言本质上具有工具性。

    Language is classified as a tool in its very nature .

  14. 法的价值有工具性和目的性之分。

    Utility and motivity are the two categories of law values .

  15. 第二个基础是中国社会中关系网络本身所具有的工具性和情感性效用;

    The instrumentalist and affective utility innate in Chinese social relation network ;

  16. 数学性与工具性的统一

    Unify the Trait of Maths and the Trait of Tools

  17. 其局限性在于对科学技术的工具性理解。

    Its limitation lies in the tool understanding to science .

  18. 公共行政权力兼具公共性与工具性。

    Publicity and instrumentality are both the attributes of public administration power .

  19. 研究结果表明了学生的工具性动机强于融合性动机。

    The students tend to have stronger instrumental motivation than integrative motivation .

  20. 语文要求工具性和人文性的统一。

    Chinese language requires the unity of instrumentality and humanistic .

  21. 外部支持系统提供的道义支持大于实质性的工具性的支持;

    Outside support system offers morality and justice greater than substantive tool support ;

  22. 其中,外语高中学生的工具性动机更加明显和强烈。

    That of Foreign language high school students are more obvious and intense .

  23. 着眼税式支出政策的工具性意义,税式支出评估须以政策效果和政策方案为核心内容。

    The tax expenditure appraisal should center on policy effectiveness and policy scheme .

  24. 只有学习目标定向的学生才倾向于做有利于学习的工具性求助。

    But only the students with learning goals would ask for instrumental help-seeking .

  25. 他们建立了两种动机类型:融合性动机和工具性动机。

    They established two types of motivations : integrative motivation and instrumental motivation .

  26. 第四,民事保全程序的工具性价值和目的性价值。

    Fourthly , the instrumental and objective value is examined in this part .

  27. 语言工具性的特点主要体现在其实用性和常用性上。

    The instrumental quality of the language embodied in its practicality and common .

  28. 法治(依法治国)包含了工具性价值和目的性价值两层含义。

    Rule of law consists of double meaning of instrumental value and ideological value .

  29. 话语工具性及其类型分析

    The Speech Instrumentality State and Its Type Analysis

  30. 在化知为德的背景下探讨中小学语文教学中的德育渗透问题是基于语文学科自身所具备的知识性、思想性、人文性和工具性等特点。

    Chinese has the characteristics of the intellectual , ideological , cultural and instrumental .