
  • 网络Bank Customer Manager;Banking account specialist
  1. 完善银行客户经理制之思考

    Promoting Bank Customer Manager

  2. 以浦发银行客户经理制度的实行情况为例分析了目前中国银行业客户经理制度实行的状况和存在问题,针对存在的问题提出了改进目前现行客户经理制度的主要措施与建议。

    The Shanghai Pudong development bank customer manager system as example analyzes Chinese banks customer manager system of state and existence problems , put forward a current customer manager system the main measures and the suggestions in the light of these problems .

  3. 国有商业银行客户经理绩效管理机制的构建

    Establishing a Performance Management Mechanism of Customer Managers in Commercial Banks

  4. 商业银行客户经理制的问题与建议

    Problems and Suggestions Concerning the Account Manager System in Commercial Banks

  5. 提出推行个人银行客户经理制。

    It puts forward carrying out individual banking client manager system .

  6. 商业银行客户经理制度建设的浅析

    On Building a Client Management System in Commercial Banks

  7. 商业银行客户经理胜任力的研究

    A Research of Commercial Bank Relationship Managers Competence

  8. 商业银行客户经理制探讨

    The Research of Customer Manager in Commercial Bank

  9. 健全国有商业银行客户经理激励约束机制的思考

    Thought on Improving the Incentive and Restrictive Mechanism for Customer Managers in State-Owned Commercial Banks

  10. 论银行客户经理制

    Study on Client Manager System

  11. 现代商业银行客户经理制经营模式的研究

    Investigation of the Management Method about the Merchant Bank ′ s Institution of Customer ′ s Manager

  12. 激励扭曲与努力的无效分配&基于银行客户经理制模拟利润考核的有效性分析

    Incentive Distortion and Inefficient Allocation of Effort : Based on the Availability Analysis of the Simulation Profit as Incentive Measure for Client Manager in Commercial Bank

  13. 作为银行客户经理如何判断、分析逆向选择风险,其中重要的信息采集来自于非财务因素分析。

    To judge and analyze the risk of adverse selection , it is of great importance for the client managers to collect the related information of non-financial factors .

  14. 本研究的成果表明,制度安排、营销理念、服务宗旨和营销手段等四个维度上存在的各种问题是影响商业银行客户经理制有效性的主要因素。

    Our results indicate that the main factors can be generally divided to four dimensions : arrangements of institutions , marketing concepts , service tenets and marketing tools .

  15. 第二部分导入商业银行客户经理制概念,介绍客户经理制涉及的相关理论,主要包括营销组合、客户关系管理和激励理论。

    Part II deals with the definition of the customer manager system and its related theories , including operation combination , customer relationship management and the incentive theory .

  16. 商业银行客户经理制是商业银行实施的一项新的制度革新,是实施银行市场营销战略的一种有效手段。

    The Customer Manager System of commercial banks , which is an institutional renovation in the banking system , is one of the most effective patterns for banks ' marketing .

  17. 跟着引入国内其他商业银行客户经理考核机制、国外商业银行的考核机制,并对他们的考核机制优缺点进行了总结。

    Followed by the introduction of other commercial banks customer manager assessment mechanism , assessment mechanism of the foreign commercial banks , and their assessment mechanism advantages and disadvantages are summarized .

  18. 可以说,商业银行客户经理是客户与商业银行之间一个沟通的桥梁,其是当前商行的重要资产及核心员工。

    It can be said that the commercial bank account manager is a bridge for communication between banks and customers , they are the key employees and important assets of commercial banks .

  19. 最后,从河北省小微企业信贷产品的创新、改革信贷管理方法、完善商业银行客户经理制度三方面来引导商业银行的贷款行为。

    Finally , to guide the lending behavior of commercial banks from Hebei province Small and micro businesses credit product innovation , reforming the credit management method , improve the client manager system in commercial bank .

  20. 随着金融业的不断发展,金融企业管理信息化的不断提高,对于银行客户经理绩效考核的信息化系统化也渐渐受到了企业的关注。

    With the continuous development of the finance and improvement in the information technology and Financial management , the evaluation system to Bank Account Manager is more Systematic , which has gradually been concerned about by enterprise .

  21. 如何设一套科学的、符合我国国情并满足商业银行客户经理在经济全球化时代的发展需要的绩效考核方案,对国内商业银行来说,是一个全新而重大的课题。

    It is a brand-new and significant subject for domestic commercial banks to work out a rational Performance Assessment System , realizing the national conditions , satisfying the requirements of account managers in commercial banks and complying with the development of economic globalization .

  22. 特别是设计出一套较为合理的适合于商业银行客户经理的绩效考核指标体系,并用层次分析法赋予相应的权重,借以完善整个绩效管理体系,促进商业银行对客户经理的绩效管理。

    In particular , to design a more reasonable commercial bank account manager performance evaluation index system , and the analytic hierarchy process to give appropriate weight , so as to improve the entire performance management system , to promote the performance management of commercial banks to the account manager .

  23. 我国银行业客户经理制度的推广和应用,在加入WTO后给中国银行业带来的冲击和影响下,开始进入快速发展阶段。

    After china joined WTO , it caused great impact and influence upon Chinese banks . Therefore , the client & manager system is in rapid exertion .

  24. 花旗集团于1985年聘用了刚刚获得沃顿商学院MBA学位的彼得森,然后他通过工作表现逐步获得晋升,从阿根廷企业银行部门客户经理职位晋升到哥斯达黎加区域经理,此后又曾担任乌拉圭区域经理。

    Citi hired Peterson in1985 , fresh from Wharton 's MBA program , and he worked his way up from corporate banking role in Argentina to country manager in Costa Rica and then Uruguay .

  25. 商业银行试行客户经理制的思考

    Ideas upon commercial bank 's trial implementation of customer-manager system

  26. 而我国商业银行实行客户经理制较晚,有许多需要完善的地方。

    At present , customer manager was effected by commercial banks in China .

  27. 关于商业银行实行客户经理制的几点思考

    Thinking on Practising Customers Manager System of Commercial Bank

  28. 基层商业银行推行客户经理制须逾越四大障碍

    How Local Commercial Banks Coping With Four Difficulties in Implementing System of Customer Manager

  29. 对商业银行推行客户经理制的探讨

    On Guest Manager System in Bussiness Bank

  30. 本文通过分析建设银行实施客户经理制的内外部环境,阐明建行实施客户经理制的必要性和紧迫性。用千兆网搭建企业网的网管中心设计

    The customer manager system is the center of the bank re-engineering . Design for Building Intranet Manager Center with Gigabit Network