
yín zuò
  • Gina
  1. 在北京银座购物中心内的优衣库(Uniqlo)门店,姚欣说出了这样的誓言。银座购物中心以日本产品为主题,而零售商优衣库为日本迅销公司(FastRetailingCo.)所有。

    Ms. Yao made her vow while standing in a Uniqlo store , a retailer owned by Japan 's Fast Retailing Co. , in Beijing 's Japanese-themed Ginza shopping mall .

  2. 迷失于通缩中的10年,改变了东京高档购物区银座(Ginza)的景象。

    A decade lost to deflation has changed the landscape in Ginza , Tokyo 's premium shopping district .

  3. 马克在谈到gucci时指出,银座店很可能是gucci在不同市场建造一系列商店的开始。

    When it comes to Gucci , Mr Lee notes the Ginza store will probably mark the first of a series of Gucci shops in different markets .

  4. 亲核政客在福井的大部分政府机构占据着主导地位,该地区有个绰号叫“核电银座”(GenpatsuGinza)。

    Nuclear-friendly politicians dominate most of Fukui 's government offices , and the region is nicknamed Genpatsu Ginza , or Nuclear Alley .

  5. 银座(Ginza)是一个富有魅力的购物区,奢饰品店和高端设计师精品店随处可见,这让那座始终安处于此的奥野大楼(OkunoBuilding)显得极为不寻常。

    Ginza is a glamorous shopping district dominated by luxury department stores and high-end designer boutiques , which makes the continued survival of the artist-filled Okuno Building so unusual .

  6. 然而,虽然银座旗舰店是gucci在零售店方面的最大投资之一,但它的真正意义却在于,奢侈品零售商们开始采取百货公司式的策略。

    Yet while the Ginza store represents one of the biggest investments Gucci has made in a retail space , its real significance lies in the adoption of department-store tactics among luxury retailers .

  7. 本月,在银座(Ginza)一家宾馆内,日本最具不动声色的影响力的商业游说机构之一将与中国同行会面,进行前所未有的会谈。

    This month , in the intimacy of a Ginza hotel , one of Japan 's most quietly influential business lobbies will meet with its Chinese counterpart for unprecedented talks .

  8. 尽管东京把现代化发挥到了极致,但仍有一些迷人的地方能勾起人的怀旧情结,比如琥珀咖啡(CafédeL’Ambre)。这家传统的咖啡馆从1948年起就隐居在银座的一条后巷里。

    Even as the city pushes the limits of modernization , there remain charming spots where you can feel the nostalgic pull of the past . That 's evident at Caf é de L'Ambre , a classic kissaten ( coffee shop ) tucked on a back lane in Ginza since 1948 .

  9. 日本书商盛冈三行(YoshiyukiMorioka)想出一个不同寻常的创意:他在奢侈品店林立的东京银座(Ginza)开了家小书店,且一周只卖一种书。

    Japanese bookseller Yoshiyuki Morioka has come up with a highly unusual concept for a bookstore - he sells one book at a time in a tiny shop located in Ginza , Tokyo 's luxury shopping district .

  10. 1912年的今天,日本首个出租车服务在东京的银座开始。

    1912-Japan 's first taxicab service begins in Ginza , Tokyo .

  11. 昨天我在银座差点撞上罗伯特·雷德福。

    Yesterday I nearly ran into Robert Redford in the Ginza .

  12. 他是银座苹果店外排在队伍最前面的一个,六天之前,他就占据了人行道上很多人都想占领的那块地盘。

    He had claimed his coveted sidewalk turf six days ago .

  13. 拍完我立刻就赶到银座。

    Immediately after the shoot I had to leave for Ginza .

  14. 估计他们在银座就是这么做的。

    Is estimated that they did it in the Ginza .

  15. 山东统一银座数据仓库分析系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Data Warehouse Analysis System for ShanDong Uni-mart

  16. 对银座商城建筑的评介与思考

    Evaluations and Thoughts on the building of silver shopping plaza

  17. 第四部分从理论和世界先进实践经验的高度,为银座物流配送体系的现代化发展方向进行了阐述;

    The fourth part discusses the future modernization of Silver logistical system .

  18. 26和带卯的银座四十个,这板底下有两卯、那板底下也有两卯。

    With their forty silver bases , two bases for every board .

  19. 银座购物广场不失为购物者的天堂。

    The Silver Shopping Plaza is a paradise for shoppings .

  20. 这张车票最远只到银座。

    This ticket is only good as far as Ginza .

  21. 中国人到银座闲逛的。

    Chinese people don 't go window-shopping in Ginza .

  22. 我们会去观光和在银座购物。

    We 'll go sightseeing and shopping in Ginza .

  23. 然而今天的银座却像是二月的莫克姆。

    Instead , it was like Morecambe in February .

  24. 在周六晚上十点,银座的十字路口本来应该人来车往有些拥堵。

    At10pm on a Saturday night , the Ginza intersection would normally be thronged .

  25. 济南银座数码广场营销组合和策略探析

    Marketing Analyzing of Jinan Silver Plaza Digital Square

  26. 保利大厦和东方银座的中间;

    Between Poly Plaza and Oriental Kenzo Center ;

  27. 他们到银座是来买东西的。他们喜欢名牌产品。

    They are in Ginza to buy , and they go for brand-name products .

  28. 与此同时,其东京银座店可能为其增加了一点点急需的魅力。

    Meanwhile , the Ginza store may add a bit of badly needed glamour .

  29. 山东银座集团零售业态选择及发展战略研究

    A Study on Choices of Retail Formats and Development Strategies of Shandong Silve-Plaze Group

  30. 1927年的今天,亚洲时间最长的地铁线路&银座线在东京开始运行。

    1927-The Ginza Line , the oldest subway line in Asia , opened in Tokyo .