
fù shì shān
  • Fujiyama;Fujisan
富士山 [fù shì shān]
  • [Fujisan] 日本最高的山峰和休眠火山。在本州东部。素有圣山之称,为日本的象征

富士山[fù shì shān]
  1. 果然,我们以龟速经过了沿途的加油站、汽车行、快餐店和富士山饼干(FujiyamaCookie)等特产店。

    We crawled past gas stations , car dealers , fast-food joints and shops like Fujiyama Cookie .

  2. 积雪盖顶的富士山是日本的标志。

    The snow peaked Fujiyama is the trademark of Japan .

  3. 富士山形态优美。

    Mt. Fuji has a graceful shape .

  4. 全球自然学校(WholeEarthNatureSchool)是一家经营富士山生态旅游活动的机构,主管田中启介(KeisukeTanaka)认为,捐款将应用于改善山道和如厕条件,并增添垃圾处理设施和多语言标识。

    Keisuke Tanaka , head of the Whole Earth Nature School , which runs eco tours of the mountain , said that the donations should be used to improve trails and toilets and add waste treatment facilities and multilingual signs .

  5. 非营利机构富士山俱乐部(FujisanClub)表示,在今年3月结束的财年里,志愿者拉走了77吨的垃圾。

    According to the Fujisan Club , a nonprofit group , volunteers hauled away 77 tons of garbage in the fiscal year that ended March 2013 .

  6. 他指导母校明治大学(Meijiuniversity)在箱根驿传(HakoneEkiden)大学接力赛(从东京到富士山脚下往返)中获胜。

    He coached his alma mater , Meiji university , to victory in the Hakone Ekiden university relay race , run in stages from Tokyo to the foot of Mount Fuji and back .

  7. 在富士山附近的富之湖(tominoko)酒店,管理层曾预计本周每天游客人数最高可达200人。

    In another hotel close to Mount Fuji , called tominoko , management had expected up to 200 visitors a day this week .

  8. “哄抢行为显示,这些人不幸福,这让我为他们感到遗憾,”邻近富士山的小镇山中湖村(yamanakako)的家庭主妇mikihanba表示。

    " The looting shows that they are not happy people , which makes me feel sorry for them , " says Miki hanba , a housewife in Yamanakako Town , near Mount Fuji .

  9. 日本文化厅长官近藤诚一(SeiichiKondo)曾担任日本驻教科文组织大使,他认为参观富士山的游客会越来越多,但管理部门可能会强化法规,防止富士山出现退化现象。

    Seiichi Kondo , Japan 's Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs and a former ambassador to Unesco , said that more visitors are expected to visit Fuji , but that regulations may be strengthened to offset any degradation .

  10. 富士山(日本人称之为Fujisan)是日本最著名的自然地标,葛饰北斋(KatsushikaHokusai)和歌川广重(UtagawaHiroshige)等画家对它的描绘,令这座圆锥形火山流芳千古。

    Mount Fuji , or Fujisan as it 's known to the Japanese , is the nation 's most recognizable natural landmark , a conical volcano immortalized by artists like Katsushika Hokusai and Utagawa Hiroshige .

  11. 在很多远足者的人生目标清单中,都有攀登富士山这一项。

    Climbing the mountain is on many hikers ' bucket lists .

  12. 我们准备开始向富士山下降了。

    We 're ging to begin the descent for Fuji Mountain .

  13. 我现在还时不时去爬爬富士山。

    I still climb the Fuji mountain every now and then .

  14. 我们乘公交车从东京出发到富士山。

    We 'll go from Tokyo to Mount Fuji by bus .

  15. 其实你喜欢一个人,就像喜欢富士山。

    You love a person just like love the Fuji-Mountain .

  16. 不过至少,我们可以想象出富士山曾经的景象。

    But at least we could imagine what the mountain looked like .

  17. 到邻国日本,去看那座神秘的富士山。

    Get to neighboring country Japan , see that mysterious Fuji mountain .

  18. 北斋眼中的富士山,“玫瑰骑士”,

    a Hokusai view of Mt. Fuji , " Der Rosenkavalier , "

  19. 好,我去日本富士山了。

    Yes , I visited the Fuji Mountain in Japan .

  20. 富士山将成为日本的第13个世界遗产。

    Mount Fuji would be Japan 's 13th cultural World Heritage site .

  21. 就在富士山的另一边,和东京对着。

    It 's just on the other side of Mt Fuji from Tokyo .

  22. 我去了日本爬富士山。

    I went to Japan to climb Mount Fuji .

  23. 富士山是日本最高的山吗?

    Is Mount Fuji the highest mountain in japan ?

  24. 日本富士山的下面似乎正在酝酿着什么。

    SOMETHING is brewing under Japan 's Mount Fuji .

  25. 在晴朗的天气下,你将可以观赏到雄伟的富士山。

    On a good day , you will have a great views of Fuji .

  26. 两个多小时后,我们抵达富士山的山顶。

    In a little over two hours we reached the top of Mt. Fuji .

  27. 因此,如果是多云天的话,可能会无法从彩虹桥上看到富士山。

    If it is a clear day , you can also see Mount Fuji .

  28. 到日本的观光客总会赞叹富士山。

    Visitors to Japan always admire Mt. Fuji .

  29. 富士山是日本众多的山脉中最著名的。

    Fuji is the most famous one of the hills and mountains in Japan .

  30. 不过,我返回富士山的时刻已经到了。

    But the time has come for me to go back to Mt. Fuji .