
  • 网络FNN;Fuji TV;Fuji Television
  1. 《龙珠Z》(1989-2006)完结已近10年,悟空归来——《龙珠超》设定的剧情长度为100集,近日在日本富士电视台和中国的爱奇艺视频网站上首映。

    Almost a decade after Dragon Ball Z ( 1989-2006 ) ended , Goku is back again . Dragon Ball Super , a new series that is set to run 100 episodes , recently premiered on Fuji TV in Japan and on Chinese streaming video website iQiyi .

  2. 这个故事被汇编成小说,改编成漫画,拍成电影(2005年6月上映,主题曲《爱之游》由日本流行组合OrangeRange演唱)和电视剧(富士电视台2005年6月至9月播送)。

    The story has enjoyed a compilation in novel form , several comic book adaptations , a movie released in June 2005 , a theme song Love Parade for this movie by a popular Japanese band named Orange Range and a television series that aired on Fuji TV from June to September 2005 .

  3. 2005年,日本富士电视台45周年的台庆剧《白色巨塔》在中国的热播使日剧在韩剧的包围中重新进入中国观众的视线。

    In2005 , the huge success of TV drama series Ivory Tower celebrating the45th anniversary of Fuji TV brought Japanese TV drama back into Chinese audience 's attention .

  4. 特别是在今年七月,这是重新在日本富士电视台和录制的评级超过了电视剧'光圈'这是在同一时间播出的广播,继续其根深蒂固的受欢迎程度。

    Particularly , in July this year , it was re-broadcast on Japan Fuji TV and recorded rating that surpassed drama'IRIS'that was broadcast at the same time , continued its deep-rooted popularity .

  5. 前原诚司昨天在富士电视台节目上说,政府计划向经济注入约200亿日元(25亿美元),没有详细说明这些资金的来源。

    The government plans to inject about 200 billion yen ( US $ 2.5 billion ) into the economy , Maehara said on a Fuji television program yesterday , without giving details on the source of those funds .