
  • 网络Nippon Television;NTV
  1. 我之所以提出这个建议,是因为我以为这会让人们觉得这个市政厅是个美好和友好的地方,他对日本电视台说。

    I suggested the idea because I thought it would make people feel this city hall was a nice and friendly place , added Osada , talking to Japanese broadcaster NTV .

  2. 上周末,日本电视台(NipponTelevision)展开的民意调查显示,安倍的支持率只有41%,比上月下降了2.5个百分点。日本时事通信社(Jiji)展开的民意调查则显示,安倍的支持率下降了2.2个百分点,至46%。

    A Nippon Television poll at the weekend found support for Mr Abe at just 41 per cent , down 2.5 points on the previous month , while a Jiji poll showed a 2.2 point drop in support to 46 per cent .

  3. 韩国庆州——她一天花数个小时观看日本电视台NHK。

    GYEONGJU , South Korea - She spends hours a day watching the Japanese broadcaster NHK .

  4. 一位观众因不满日本电视台过多使用英语外来语,以精神痛苦为由将日本国家广播公司NHK告上法庭。

    A disgruntled viewer is suing Japan 's national broadcaster for mental distress caused by an excessive use of words borrowed from English .

  5. 一位观众因不满日本电视台过多使用英语外来语,以“精神痛苦”为由将日本国家广播公司NHK告上法庭。

    A disgruntled viewer is suing Japan 's national broadcaster for " mental distress " caused by an excessive use of words borrowed from English .

  6. 去年上过这门课的学生ArakawaYumesui告诉日本电视台说,她不敢给她的鸡取名字,因为害怕产生感情。

    For example , Arakawa Yumesui , one of the students taking the Class of Life last year , told Nippon TV that she did not dare name her chicken for fear of attachment .

  7. 日本电视台的调查显示,62.5%的日本民众反对这一变革。

    The Nippon Television poll shows 62.5 per cent of the public oppose the change .

  8. 日本电视台跟踪拍摄了上海富人太太的日常生活。

    In the program , a Japanese TV made a follow-up coverage of the daily life of some rich ladies in Shanghai .

  9. 不过,国外没有多少人听说过这种课,所以当日本电视台的这段视频最近在中国梨视频网站播放后,引发了相当大的争议。

    However , not many know about it outside of Japan , so when the Nippon TV video went viral on China 's Pear Video platform recently , it caused quite the controversy .

  10. 朝鲜总统金正日的长子金正南日前在日本电视台澳门网络部透露自己对政治并不感兴趣,不会继承自己父亲的职位。

    The oldest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il says he is not interested in succeeding his father , speaking to a Japanese TV network in Macao , Kim Jong Nan also said he doesn 't care about politics .

  11. 在日本电视台的一段视频中,上这门人生课的一些女孩在老师和其他学生杀鸡的时候把头转过去,其他一些人则一边强迫自己看杀鸡一边流眼泪,并在杀鸡前对鸡说“对不起”。

    In a Nippon TV video , some of the girls taking the Class of Life can be seen turning away as the teacher and other students slaughter the chicken , while others shed tears as they force themselves to look on , and told the chickens " I 'm sorry " before taking their lives .

  12. 在日本主要电视台朝日电视(TVAsahi)周末期间举行的一次民意测验中,福田的支持率下降了6个点,至24.7%。

    Mr Fukuda 's support rating fell by six points to 24.7 per cent in a poll conducted over the weekend by TV Asahi , a leading broadcaster .

  13. 从日本NHK电视台到俄克拉何马州的切克沙镇,欢迎世界各地的观众们收看CNN学生新闻。

    From NHK TV in Japan to the city of Chickasha , Oklahoma , we welcome our viewers from all over the world .

  14. 日本NHK电视台表示那些在海啸警报区域内的居民必须转移到高处。

    Japan 's NHK public television said those in areas where the tsunami warnings were issued should evacuate to higher ground .

  15. 《龙珠Z》(1989-2006)完结已近10年,悟空归来——《龙珠超》设定的剧情长度为100集,近日在日本富士电视台和中国的爱奇艺视频网站上首映。

    Almost a decade after Dragon Ball Z ( 1989-2006 ) ended , Goku is back again . Dragon Ball Super , a new series that is set to run 100 episodes , recently premiered on Fuji TV in Japan and on Chinese streaming video website iQiyi .

  16. 另外,日本国家电视台NHK周日报道说,消防员很快将会继续对三号反应堆喷水,以冷却过热的乏燃料池。

    Separately , Japan 's national broadcaster NHK reported Sunday that firefighters will soon resume operations to spray water onto the No.3 reactor in a bid to cool down its overheating spent fuel pool .

  17. 2005年,日本富士电视台45周年的台庆剧《白色巨塔》在中国的热播使日剧在韩剧的包围中重新进入中国观众的视线。

    In2005 , the huge success of TV drama series Ivory Tower celebrating the45th anniversary of Fuji TV brought Japanese TV drama back into Chinese audience 's attention .

  18. 特别是在今年七月,这是重新在日本富士电视台和录制的评级超过了电视剧'光圈'这是在同一时间播出的广播,继续其根深蒂固的受欢迎程度。

    Particularly , in July this year , it was re-broadcast on Japan Fuji TV and recorded rating that surpassed drama'IRIS'that was broadcast at the same time , continued its deep-rooted popularity .

  19. 据路透社1月21日报道,由日本关西电视台在大阪制作播放的电视节目中称,连续两周在早餐和午餐食用豆豉这种辛辣食物可以帮助人们减肥。

    The show , made by Kansai Telecasting Corp ( KTV ) in the western city of Osaka , claimed people could lose weight by eating the pungent food for breakfast and dinner daily for two weeks .

  20. 日本公共广播电视台NHK之前报道称,预计安倍晋三将在周二晚间宣布提前选举。在这篇报道发表后的20分钟内,日元兑美元汇率下跌0.2%。

    The yen fell 0.2 per cent against the dollar in the 20 minutes following a report by the domestic broadcaster that Mr Abe would announce the election on Tuesday evening .

  21. 多年来一直与日本多家电视台保持联系和合作。

    He has been involved in a number of television stations of Japan to maintain contact and cooperation .

  22. 并在与美国、英国、德国、日本等国外电视台合拍片中担任摄影。

    Cinematographer of co-productions with foreign television stations from the United States , Great Britain , Germany , and Japan .

  23. 小渊惠三的副内阁秘书铃木告诉日本广播协会电视台,他相信首相要79岁的宫泽留下。

    Suzuki , Deputy Secretary of Keizou Obuchi 's Cabinet , told the NHK television that he believed that the Prime Minister will ask the79-year-old Miyazawa to stay .

  24. 据路透社报道,中川昭一在日本某地方电视台的节目中表示,日本将坚持不拥有核武器的政策,但有必要就此问题展开讨论。

    Mr Nakagawa told a local television programme that Japan would adhere to its policy of not arming itself with nuclear weapons but that a debate on the issue was necessary , Reuters reported .

  25. 这是我从东京送来的祝福,我在日本拍摄的日本电视台剧集的进度很好,并且已经看过部份在上海拍摄的画面,出来的效果很好!

    The shooting of my NHK drama is coming along quite well . I already saw some of the edited scenes we 've shot in Shanghai and it turned out great !

  26. 近日,经典日本动画片《聪明的一休》真人版引发有关这一问题的热议。这部总时长2小时的迷你剧集于本月初在日本电视台播出。

    The recent actors ' version of classic Japanese anime Ikkyu-san raised this question when a two-hour mini series aired on Japanese TV earlier this month .