
  • 网络NIKKEI;Nikkei Inc;Nikkei news
  1. 参考日本经济新闻社第40次零售业调查,从资本经营、雇用结构等几个方面概括了日本零售业当前发展的新动向。

    Referring to the40th retail survey by Nikkei Net , the author summarizes the new trends of today 's retail development in Japan from the aspects of capital operation , employment , etc.

  2. 首先,我要感谢日本经济新闻社再次邀请我参加这个久负盛名的论坛,共同探讨亚洲的未来。

    First of all , I 'd like to express my thanks to the Japan Economic Journal who invited me to participate in this forum which has long enjoyed a great reputation , to discuss the future of Asia .

  3. 日本媒体集团日本经济新闻社则在周一表示,它将赞助该指数在亚太十个地区的调查活动,其中包括对印度和香港地区的调查。

    Nikkei , the Japanese media group , said on Monday it would sponsor ten of the surveys in the Asia-Pacific region , from India to Hong Kong .