
  • 网络Tokyo Shimbun;Kyoto Shimbun;TOKYO Web
  1. 日本东京新闻机构表示,当局已经难以动疏散区内部收集受到辐射污染的1000具尸体。

    Japan 's Kyodo news agency says authorities have been unable to collect up to 1000 radiation-contaminated bodies from inside the evacuation zone .

  2. 据东京新闻社透露,日本首相小泉纯一郎讲话表示非常遗憾,并指派官员尽快查明原因。

    Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi termed the result " unfortunate " and directed officials to determine what went wrong as soon as possible , Kyodo News Agency said .

  3. 周三,他在东京的新闻发布会问道。

    He asked at a news conference in Tokyo on Wednesday .

  4. 丰田和铃木计划今晚晚些时候在东京举行新闻发布会。

    The two companies are scheduled to hold a press conference later this evening in Tokyo .

  5. 索尼管理人士在东京的新闻发布会上重申,尽管全球经济放缓,液晶电视机的需求仍保持强劲。

    Sony officials reiterated at a press conference in Tokyo that demand for LCD televisions remains strong despite the slowdown in the global economy .

  6. “司法部门尚未就任何《华尔街日报》文章中所提及的那类交易与我们联系”,戈尔曼在一场东京的新闻发布会上表示,“我们对司法部门的调查毫不知情。”

    " We have not been contacted by the justice department about any transactions that were raised in the Wall Street Journal article , " Mr Gorman said at a press conference in Tokyo . " We have no knowledge whatsoever about the Justice Department investigation . "

  7. “‘小辣椒’是第一台能读懂人类情感的机器人,”软银公司总裁孙正义6月5号在东京举行的新闻发布会上说道。

    Pepper is " the first robot to read human emotions , " said Softbank 's CEO Masayoshi Son told reporters at a press conference in the Japanese capital on Thursday .

  8. 佐立克在东京举行的新闻会上表示,包括预算限制、纳税人抵触及美元和日元走软在内的各种因素,使当前这轮为期3年的筹款期变得非常棘手。

    In a briefing in Tokyo , Mr Zoellick said factors including budget constraints , taxpayer resistance and a weak US dollar and Japanese yen made the current three-year round , which closes in December , very difficult .

  9. 索尼公司上周在东京举行一个新闻发布会。

    Sony officials held a news conference last week in Tokyo .

  10. 在访问团访问中国之后,洋基队将会访问东京,访问读卖新闻。

    Following the contingent 's visits in china , the Yankees will travel to Tokyo to meet with the senior management of the Yomiuri shimbun .