
  • 网络ASEAN Community
  1. 建构中的东盟安全共同体:一种建构主义的视角

    A Constructivist Analysis of the ASEAN Security Community under Construction

  2. 不过很少有人相信东盟经济共同体这一高屋建瓴地的目标会得以实现。

    Few believe that the ASEAN Economic Community will come about as its architects hope .

  3. 今年会议的焦点是成立东盟经济共同体。

    The focus of this year 's meeting is the formation of the ASEAN Economic Community .

  4. 论东盟经济共同体

    On ASEAN Economic Community

  5. 这表明当前正在建构中的东盟安全共同体具有很强的现实性,其最终形成符合东盟的发展方向。

    The final formation of the ASEAN security community will conform to the direction of ASEAN 's development .

  6. 东盟经济共同体部长级会议非洲经委会部长会议

    ASEAN-Economic Community Ministerial Meeting

  7. 在他担任主要负责人期间,他负责定义与起草东盟经济共同体蓝图。

    In his last position as Principal Director , he provided leadership for the conceptualisation and drafting of the AEC Blueprint .

  8. 我们要继往开来,在黄金十年的基础上,寻求新的战略突破,携手建设更为紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体。

    We need to build on the achievements of the golden decade , explore new strategic breakthroughs , and jointly build a closer China-ASEAN community of common destiny .

  9. 试论东盟对东亚共同体形成所起的作用

    ASEAN 's Role in the Formation of East Asian Community

  10. 东盟实现经济共同体构想分析

    The Analyses on ASEAN Achieving Its Economic Community

  11. 然而东盟的安全共同体建设并不是一帆风顺的,其面临着多方面的因素制约,包括内部制约因素、外部制约因素,还有机制上的制约因素等等。

    However , the ASEAN Security Community-building faces many constraints , including internal , external , mechanisms and so forth .

  12. 中国将一如既往支持东盟发展壮大,支持东盟共同体建设,支持东盟在东亚合作中的主导地位。

    China will continue to support ASEANs development , its community building and its centrality in East Asia cooperation .

  13. 中国和东盟国家携手建设更为紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体,东盟和中国、日本、韩国致力于2020年建成东亚经济共同体。

    China and ASEAN countries will join hands in building an even closer China-ASEAN community of common destiny . The building of an East Asia economic community for ASEAN , China , Japan and ROK will be completed in 2020 .

  14. 但由于东盟内部有着较大的差距,其合作机制也存在不少缺陷,使得东盟经济共同体发展面临不少困难和挑战。

    In view of the vast disparities within ASEAN and some limitations in its cooperation mechanism , the development of ASEAN economic community is faced with numerous difficulties and challenges .

  15. 2003年10月,东盟各国领导人在第九次东盟首脑会议上宣布将在2020年前建成东盟安全共同体,这表明了东盟各国推动本地区在政治和安全领域向更高层次合作的意愿。

    In the ninth ASEAN Summit held in October 2003 , the leaders of ASEAN countries declared that ASEAN would establish " ASEAN Security Community " by 2020 . This decision indicates the will of ASEAN countries to promote their political and security cooperation to a higher level .

  16. 通过对东盟的发展历程进行考察,我们发现,从东盟成立到创建东盟安全机制,再到东盟安全共同体的提出和建构,基本上都是沿着这三个过程进行的。

    By analyzing the history of ASEAN 's development , we find that ASEAN has passed through these three stages .