
  • 网络Quango;government agency;Quasi-Government Agency
  1. 英国这些开支庞大、由纳税人付钱的半官方机构,目的似乎十分混乱。

    The purposes of these expensive taxpayer-funded quangos seem confused .

  2. 他位居数个相当有影响力的半官方机构。电影是对最广泛观众的吸引力和对官方或半官方压力的小心遵循的混合物。

    He sat on various reasonably influential quangos . Most films are mixtures of appeals to the broadest possible audience and cautious accommodations to official or unofficial pressures .

  3. 它还带来了由咨询顾问和半官方机构组成的半公共性质的附庸群体。

    It has led to a huge semi-public client state of consultants and quangos .

  4. 马英九昨日表示,希望通过半官方机构,恢复自1998年以来中断的两岸谈判。

    Mr Ma said yesterday that he expected to resume talks with Beijing through semi-official institutions , which had been interrupted since 1998 .

  5. 在国际营销领域,政府、半官方机构、以及赢利与非赢利实体都经常充当买家的角色。因而,有部分理论家将此表述为垂直非一体化的跨国生产,这实在太复杂了。

    In the world of international marketing , government , quasi-government agencies , and profit-seeking and nonprofit entities are frequently buyers . Some theorists call this the vertical disintegration of production across borders .

  6. 制定最低工资标准的半官方机构底薪委员会为自己辩护的同时,还是在过去几年缓慢的提升了最低工资底线。

    The Low Pay Commission , the quango which sets the floor wage , contests this notion , but has been raising it at a more moderate pace in the past couple of years .

  7. 选择开放型管理体制,创立半官方协调机构;

    Choosing the open-type management system and establishing the semi-official synchronizing organization ;

  8. 如此一来,它们就拥有了半官方监管机构的身份,并能把它们的判断渗透到监管银行、保险商和基金的规则中。

    This confers quasi-regulatory status on them and ensures their judgments are hard-wired into rules governing banks , insurers and funds .

  9. 在金融危机爆发前的四年里,外国政府购买了约80%新发行的美国国债以及半官方性质的机构债券。

    In the four years leading up to the crisis , foreign official purchasers bought roughly 80 per cent of all new Treasury and semi-government agency bonds that were created .

  10. 提出政府不仅要为住房金融的发展提供良好的外部环境,制定政策法规,还应发起或出资成立官方或半官方金融保险机构,站在最终贷款者的地位上,给借贷双方以信心。

    It is suggested that the government should not only provide healthy environments for the housing financial development but also work out or make investment to establish official or semi-official financial insurance organs to give confidence to both sides of the housing loan .

  11. 半官方的伊朗新闻机构ISNA引述了一名目击者的话,他说飞机尾部在空中起火。

    A witness , quoted by the semi-official ISNA news agency , said the plane 's tail burst into flames in the air .

  12. 本文主要讲述浦东塘工善后局这个半官方的民间自治机构。

    This article on the aftermath of the Pudong Tong , the semi-official civil institutions of self-government .