
chū bǎn wù
  • publication
出版物 [chū bǎn wù]
  • [publications] 已出版的成品(如图书、报纸、刊物)

  1. 所有出版物都按学科和名称编索引。

    All publications are indexed by subject and title .

  2. 还有对于新毕业生来说特别重要的其他出版物。

    There are additional publications of special relevance to new graduates .

  3. 他们开始对两本提及一桩婚外情的出版物提起法律诉讼。

    They have started legal proceedings against two publications which spoke of an affair .

  4. 他从这些出版物中挑选了40本,逐一阅读。

    He picked up forty of these publications and read each one of them .

  5. 出售公司部分业务的目的是将公司重新定位为以商业信息类出版物为主的出版商。

    The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher principally of business information

  6. 这一出版物是为满足急需而出版的。

    The publication comes as the answer to an acute demand .

  7. 计算机可提醒管理连续出版物的馆员,并制作装订通知。

    The computer can alter the Serials Librarian and produce a bindery notice .

  8. 出版物要消灭错别字之类的硬伤。

    Obvious mistakes like typos etc.

  9. 我们的出版物有一份详细的目录备索

    A detailed list of our publications is available on request .

  10. 相关出版物太多,没法一一列举

    The related publications are far too numerous to list individually .

  11. 我们要相信像《国家探秘者》之类的出版物吗?

    Should we believe a publication like the national enquirer ?

  12. XML技术在开放式电子图书出版物领域的应用

    XML Technology and its Application in the Opening Electronic Publication

  13. web出版物是从网站向导或空白网页开始创建的出版物。

    Web publications are publications that you start from a web site wizard or a blank web page .

  14. 他们的研究结果发表在科技出版物humor上。

    Their findings were reported in the scientific publication humor .

  15. 您可以使用publisher在任何出版物中创建模板。

    With publisher , you can create a template from any publication .

  16. 如果这还不够的话,您还可以找到至少五本主要Spring书籍和其他许多包含Spring内容的出版物。

    If that 's not enough , you can find at least five major Spring books and many other publications with some Spring content .

  17. publisher已准备就绪,可开始创建出版物。

    Publisher is now ready to create your publication .

  18. 用PDF制作可以用于光盘发布的电子出版物

    Electronic Document Disc Publication by PDF

  19. 她确实毕业于斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity),不过她主攻艺术领域,过去二十年间主要为各种出版物提供创意策划。

    True she graduated from Stanford , but she majored in art and has spent the past two decades doing creative work with myriad publications .

  20. 有关JohnChambers的S编程语言的更多信息,请查阅关于他的出版物以及他在贝尔实验室的各项研究项目的链接。

    For more on John Chambers 'S programming language , check out these links to his publications and various research projects at Bell Labs .

  21. 然而,我发现在绝大多数出版物中,SOA治理都直接关联政策加强或管理。

    Nonetheless , I have found that in absolute majority of publications about SOA Governance it is directly associated with policy enforcement or with a straightforward management .

  22. serial对periodi-cal的名称取代是其形成活动的思想观念的基础。文献编目是连续出版物形成活动的主要领域。

    The replacement of the name " serial " for " periodical " is the ideological foundation of the formation and the document cataloguing is the main sphere of this formation .

  23. 与其他信息提供商一样,ACS也为保护自己的出版物免遭非法使用采取了措施。

    ACS , like other information providers , has implemented measures to guard against illegal attempts to take our copyrighted materials .

  24. 上个月他在接受在线行业出版物《时尚行业》(BusinessofFashion)采访时说,设计师们可以同时展示男女装,这下就省了时间和金钱,还能打造出一种个性。

    As he told the online trade publication Business of Fashion last month , designers , by showing men 's and women 's looks in tandem , are saving time and money , and honing an identity .

  25. 按此常规,我们无法直接对中国国家国书馆及其对ACS出版物的使用作出评价。

    In keeping with this practice , we will not comment directly about the National Library of China and its use of ACS published material .

  26. 乔纳森是新闻记者和博客作者,为《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)及其他出版物和网站撰稿。

    Jonathan is a journalist and blogger , contributing to Newsweek and other publications and Web sites .

  27. 会场气氛是积极的,装满纸墨校样的手提袋可能都会让你忘了近日亚马逊(Amazon)电子书销量已超过出版物一事。

    The mood was positive and , judging from the tote bags full of paper-and-ink galleys , you wouldn 't have known that e-book sales had recently overcome print book sales at Amazon .

  28. mcgraw定期为一些受欢迎的商业出版物撰稿,而且其文章经常在全国出版的文章中所引用。

    McGraw regularly contributes to popular trade publications and is often quoted in national press articles .

  29. 《林业纪事》创刊于1925年,是加拿大林学院(CIF)的正式出版物。

    The Forestry Chronicle ( text in English and French ), first published in1925 , is the official Journal of the Canadian Institute of Forestry ( CIF ) .

  30. 有关用于科学出版物的STIX字体的信息,请参阅参考资料部分。

    See Resources for information on the STIX Fonts for use in scientific publications .