
chū shēng lǜ
  • birth rate;birthrate;natality
出生率 [chū shēng lǜ]
  • (1) [birthrate]∶一定数量的居民中婴儿出生的频率。通常以每年每1000名居民中出生的婴儿数来计算

  • (2) [natality]∶在特定地区和特定时间内出生数与总数之比,通常以出生数占总数的百分之几或千分之几来表示

出生率[chū shēng lǜ]
  1. 战后出生率一度激增。

    After the war there was a bulge in the birth rate .

  2. 有几个因素已被援引来说明出生率降低的原因。

    Several factors have been adduced to explain the fall in the birth rate .

  3. 人口出生率最高的欧洲国家是爱尔兰。

    The European country with the highest birth rate is Ireland

  4. 贫困、文盲与高出生率密切相关。

    Poverty and illiteracy go together with high birth rates .

  5. 由于出生率下降,产科服务会随之削减。

    Maternity services were to be reduced in consequence of falling birth rates .

  6. 出生率在逐渐增长。

    There has been a gradual increase in the birth rate .

  7. 人口普查显示出生率趋于降低。

    The Census revealed a decline birth rate .

  8. 更让人想不到的是,教育程度低的农村地区的出生率最高,而教育程度高的城市地区的出生率最低。

    In a further twist , birth rate is highest in poorly educated rural areas and lowest in highly educated urban areas .

  9. 然而,如果说20世纪的一个典型特征是人们更健康了,那对应21世纪的就是出生率下降。

    But while increasing health was a typical feature of the 20th century , declining birth rate could be a defining one of the 21st .

  10. 出生率下降也是许多发展地区的一个主要问题,这可能在几十年内造成灾难性的全球劳动力短缺。

    Declining birth rate is a major problem in many developing regions too , which might cause catastrophic global shortages of work force within a few decades .

  11. 在印度北部,出生率高,人口正飞速增长,而在经济发达的南部,出生率正在迅速下降。

    In the north of India , the population is booming due to high birth rates , but in the south , where most economic development is taking place , birth rate is falling rapidly .

  12. 此外,约50%的世界人口生活在目前这一数字低于更替水平(即每名妇女生育2.1个)的地区,几乎所有发达国家都在经历次更替以下的出生率。

    Furthermore , around 50 % of the world 's population live in regions where the figure is now below the replacement level ( i.e.2.1 births per woman ) and almost all developed nations are experiencing sub-replacement birth rate .

  13. 出生率在下降。

    The birthrate is on the decline .

  14. 英国国家统计局表示,人口出生率下降被人口老龄化现象夸大。

    The Office for National Statistics says falling fertility rates have been exaggerated by an ageing population .

  15. 调查显示,日本有数百万中年单身族依然与年迈的父母同住,并在经济上依赖父母。这加剧了日本出生率的下降和老龄化负担。

    Millions of middle-aged1 singles in Japan still live with their elderly parents and depend on them financially , research has revealed , contributing to the county 's falling birth rate and ageing population .

  16. 由于出生率激增而引起的人口统计学上的急转突变事件(b美国人口统计数据)

    The demographic roller coaster caused by the baby boom ( bAmerican Demographics )

  17. 本周发表在《自然》(Nature)杂志上的一项新研究表明,在大多数的发达国家中,出生率正在上升。

    S.New research published in Nature this week shows that birth rates in the most developed countries are rising again .

  18. 两种群相互竞争的具有脉冲出生率的SIS传染病模型

    A SIS Epidemic Model of Two Competitive Species with Birth Pulses

  19. 人均GDP、总和生育率和出生率是少数民族婴儿死亡率的主要影响因素。

    The infant mortality rate is correlative with the average GDP , the total fertility rate and the crude birth rate .

  20. 我们以种群的出生率α和b作分歧参数,讨论了在二重固有值处的分歧并得到了存在性及稳定性的结果。

    The birth rates of the two species are treated as bifurcation parameters and the existence , uniqueness and stability of the bifurcation solutions from a double eigenvalue are obtained .

  21. 有了劳动力人口的快速增长以及人口负担系数(dependencyrate)的减小(出生率较低之故),就不愁没有更多的劳动力、更多的储蓄进而有更多的投资。

    A fast-growing working population and a falling dependency rate ( thanks to a lower birth rate ) will ensure more workers , more saving and hence more investment .

  22. 在DNA纯度及注射卵的存活率上,两种方法无明显差别;在移植卵的出生率及转基因阳性率上,抽提法优于试剂盒法。

    There was no notable difference in DNA purity and viability of injected eggs , but higher birth rate of transplanted eggs and transgenic positive rate were obtained by the extraction method than those obtained by the kit method .

  23. 发育胚胎的移植出生率为38.36%(69/181);冷冻胚胎移植出生后经PCR检测一半小鼠整合阳性。

    After these development embryos were transfer to pseudocyesis mouse , 38.36 % ( 69 / 181 ) developed to live young , and a half of these is positive mouse on the PCR test .

  24. 第二个模型基于SEIR模型,考虑了网络蠕虫出生率和死亡率的影响。

    The second one , based on the SEIR model , considers the birth rate and death rate of Internet worms .

  25. 结论:孕中期血清AFP、Free-βhCG2项血清标志物联合检测,作为筛查胎儿先天缺陷可行,能降低先天缺陷患儿出生率5.40‰。

    Conclusion : The combination of the serum biochemistry results of AFP and free beta-hCG can be useful markers to detect Down 's syndrome and can decrease 5.40 ‰ of congenital fetal malformation .

  26. 结论加强孕期保健,降低VLBWI出生率;

    Conclusion The health care in period of pregnancy should be improved to reduce the birth rate of VLBWI ;

  27. 随访发现在这些孕妇中其CHD的出生率分别是0.76%,2.65%,7.6%。

    A fallow up showed that CHD birth rate was 0.75 % in the first foetus pregnant women , was 2.65 % in the secondary foetus pregnant women and was 7.69 % in pregnant women of CHD family history .

  28. 结果:1990年到2000年我国少数民族育龄妇女健康状况普遍提高,育龄妇女死亡率与人均GDP、初婚年龄、出生率、总和生育率等有相关性。

    Results : The female health of Chinese minorities has improved universally during 1990-2000 . The female health is correlative with the female mortality , the average GDP , the primary marriage age , the birthrate , the total fertility rate , et al .

  29. “国际数据显示,IVF后双胞胎的出生率可以在不影响妇女受孕率的情况下降低,”Braude说道。

    " The international data shows that the incidence of twins after IVF can be reduced without damaging women 's chance of conceiving ," says Braude .

  30. 举例而言,在2008年的国庆日,新加坡总理李显龙(LeeHsienLoong)用超过5000字的篇幅谈论新加坡不断下跌的出生率,演讲中甚至还提及了如何给婴儿换尿布。

    At the 2008 National Day , for instance , Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong spent more than 5,000 words discussing Singapore 's falling birthrate . The speech included advice on how to change diapers .